Sport good meal ideas? (when having 5-6 a day)

Sport Fitness
Hi i was wondering if you could give me a hand with my 5-6 meals per day. Could you give me some of your favourite daily meals that i could use following the carb/protein rule? Any ideas would help me a lot:)
Beans and Rice
Cottage Cheese on Salad
Egg Whites and Oatmeal
Oatmeal with Scoop of Protein Powder
Chicken and Sweet Potato
Turkey and Broccoli
Tuna Sandwich with Lettuce and Tomatoes
Salmon and Wild Rice
Ok thanks very much what sort of protein powder do you use? is any good?

Also i dont really understand how you would have oatmeal with egg how do the egg whites cook?:confused:

Do you have a George Forman Grill? No get one, i seriously swear by it. If you are a meat eater it takes like 6 minutes to cook a steak and there is no fat in it. All i do is on Saturday I marinate like 6 pieces of chex in some low sodium bbq sauce. Then Sunday after church I grill them up and steam from fresh veggies. Then I seperate them in five tuppers for the week. Al dente

b3cc4 said:
Hi i was wondering if you could give me a hand with my 5-6 meals per day. Could you give me some of your favourite daily meals that i could use following the carb/protein rule? Any ideas would help me a lot:)
I like to put a yolk in with extra whites. I bought the egg whites in a carton and throw a fresh egg in. I read the book "Rock Hard" and the egg was listed as one of the most perfect foods. I'd just rather give them up than have no yolks as they are yucky.
Another thing you can do is buy Omega 3 eggs. They taste great and you can have more yolk because its on 1 gram sat fat with the rest mono and poly. You can get them at most grocery stores and all health food stores.
Ksp&1118 said:
Do you have a George Forman Grill? No get one, i seriously swear by it. If you are a meat eater it takes like 6 minutes to cook a steak and there is no fat in it. All i do is on Saturday I marinate like 6 pieces of chex in some low sodium bbq sauce. Then Sunday after church I grill them up and steam from fresh veggies. Then I seperate them in five tuppers for the week. Al dente

I second that!! I buy a big slab of wild caught salmon from the fish market and slice it and fillet it real good, and put them in individual baggies in the freezer and voila! all it takes is like 7 to 10 minuts to cook one, and that gives me plenty of time to steam a few veggies! marinade it with citrus basil marinade and you got a real treat!! same with chicken breasts, it only takes like 15 minutes too cook one
Cottage Cheese and Almonds
Peanut Butter on a slice of Wheat Bread

Recipes posted in Recipes section
Turkey Chili

Chicken with Corn, Black Beans, Salsa and (nonfat) Cream Cheese with brown rice or whole wheat bread

Spicy Chickpeas with a dollop or two of nonfat yogurt and two slices of whole wheat bread.
Here are some of my favorites:

1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese = 1/2 cup pineapple chunks. Only 150 calories and super delicious! (If you like cottage cheese)

I'm also a big fan of organic peanut butter, put it on a good grainy bread, it's very filling.

I'm a big fan of frozen because my fresh stuff never stays that way. So I like to get frozen chicken breasts or fish fillets and different kinds of veggies and just pair one meat and one veggie.

Veggie burger + spinach salad

For breakfast I like to have a bowl of Kashi with a peice of fruit

And for a refreshing summer snack, I like to get a few kinds of frozed fruit, throw em in the blender, then pour the mix into those little plastic popsicle makers for all-fruit popsicles