Sport Good/Bad Brown Rice

Sport Fitness
Neither are bad. Its all about what you consume with them.
white rice is basically polished rice which means rice is scrapped to give it a desired shape or polished appearence

brown rice is unpolished rice is only more nutritious since the nutrient are retained
if thats what you wanted to know
White rice about 64 whereas brown rice is about 50. This meeans that brown rice has a slower effect on blood sugar levels. Both are good for PWO.
If your trying to get lean i would leave the pasta's on the self. While bulking you can eat whole wheat pasta's.

I'm just tryin to burn fat guys. I eat plenty of protein with every meal, and I have my 3 servings of fruits/vegetables a day. Where else can I get good carbs?
when in a serious fat burning phase, its not just enough to stick to 'good/clean carbs''ve gotta limit carbs too.

carbs are the body's preferred energy source. so you cut back on carbs, and try to get the body to burn stored fat for energy instead.

thus cardio is better suited for burning fat than weight lifting, since explosive force in weight lifting occurs too quickly to tap into fat for can really only use muscle glycogen.

this is why a lot of people jack up the protein intake when they can really drop the carb intake, but not dip too low on total calories (which'll stunt fat loss).
malkore said:
when in a serious fat burning phase, its not just enough to stick to 'good/clean carbs''ve gotta limit carbs too.

carbs are the body's preferred energy source. so you cut back on carbs, and try to get the body to burn stored fat for energy instead.

thus cardio is better suited for burning fat than weight lifting, since explosive force in weight lifting occurs too quickly to tap into fat for can really only use muscle glycogen.

this is why a lot of people jack up the protein intake when they can really drop the carb intake, but not dip too low on total calories (which'll stunt fat loss).
Right on man!

Well I'm eating 2 chicken breasts a day, with the occasional can of tuna for a snack and I total about 2000 calories daily. I'm only intaking about 100-150g of carbs a day which I think is good. I'm not eating any white bread or white rice, the only carb intake I have is the occasional slice of whole grain wheat bread, vegetables with fat free dressing and I have brown rice with my lunches and dinners. Breakfasts I eat a serving size (3/4 cup) of Wheaties with 1/2 cup skim milk and a piece of fruit. Snack on some carrots and tomatoes approx. 2 hours later, maybe a couple slices of "lean" turkey here and there. Lunch is just chicken breast and brown rice. Another snack of a piece of whole grain wheat bread with a serving size of the lean turkey and some carrots 2 hours later for snack, then about 3 hours later dinner of chicken breast and brown rice with some tomatoes. I'm averaging 101.4oz (12.68 cups) of water a day. I've lost almost 10lbs. within this first week of new dieting. That sounds wrong. I shouldn't be dropping weight that fast. I'm doing light cardio every morning, and lifting 4 days out of the week. Does that sound wrong? It can't be water because I'm definetely keeping hydrated enough. Any advice?