Good Arguement?


I have to write an arguementative essay for school (4-6 pages) I have NOOOO IDEA what to write about. Ideas the instructor gave us was:

Home school vs Public school
Gay Marriage
Spanking your children vs Not Spanking

Those dont' really appeal to you have any suggestions??
Low Carb Diets vs Real foods
Diet Pills vs Pill Free
Prayer in School
Gender or race in the presidential election...
Assisted suicide
Genetic Research (cloning, etc)
Death Penalty
Gun Ownership
Privacy - and whether or not we have an absolute right to it.
Pornography and is it cheating
Cyber sex and is it cheating
Whether or not "Core" class requirements are beneficial to a student...

(I like to argue... :) I can make any topic an argument :)
Weight loss surgery as a method of dealing with obesity.
Is there an obesity epidemic in the world, and what is the solution- government intervention or something else?
Does the government have a right to interfere in the private lives of people (ie -the bill being introduced into the Mississippi legislature that will make it illegal for restaurants to serve obese people food - restaurants and bars are already forbidden from serving intoxicated people so is this OK?)
horse slaughter
abortion (overdone yes, I know)
whale hunting
cloning (FDA safe foods?)
The Patriot Law and is it constitutional
No child left behind
The Iraq war is is justifiable
global warming
ethonal (the bill pres. bush signed for more corn to be used for fuel, which will cause a rise in food prices)
Back when the dinosaurs walked the earth - what used to make essays like that more "fun" for me anyhow - is to argue the side you don't agree with...
should teenagers be given the right to vote? Why does age 18 make a person have the capacity to vote...

Drinking age at 21 - why can a person get married, serve in the military, pick our leaders, and vote but can't have a drink... what determines a person's worthiness of consuming alcohol.

Seatbelts - mandatory or optional - new hampshire is the only state without a mandatory seatbelt law - do they have the right idea?
oh wow, Mal, when I ask, you do deliver :D Thanks to you and xorie!!

I like ALOT of those ideas...I think the one that has caught my attention the most was the Porn/cybersex issue....thats the one I think I'm going to go with.
Finally - I can put my skill to good use :)