Weight-Loss Good Amount of calories/day?



New member
I weigh 240 pounds. I want to take that down a good 80 pounds (basically, I'd be happy with losing anything.)

I figured out my basic caloric needs, and figure a diet consisting of 1800 calories should be enough to get me there (coupled with 45 minutes of cardio 3x/week and weight training 2x/week -- to start.)

I am pretty lazy. Which has very much destroyed diets in the past. I also work full-time while going to school, so 2 days out of my week starting in sept. I won't have time to make much of a meal.

This leads me to my question, which is two-fold, is 1800 a good amount or should I start out at something higher? Thats the important question, and the secondary question since I am posting is any recommended easily ready to eat foods (I only shop at Trader Joe's cause its cheap and within walking distance so no microwavable meals pleases) that can help me with my goal for those days I can't take time to make a meal? I'm not above having cereal for my dinner but what would be a good side to keep me full and properly balanced?

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there's a stickied thread in this forum..

it will give you a link to a formula that will help you out...

BUT you will also find that there is no one size fits all number - you have to find the number that works best for you... you do howeve,r want to eat the maximum amount of calories you can while still losing weight so that in 20 -30lbs - when you have to adjusy your calories - you've got room to adjsut
Hey Man,

I work full time and go to school full time so I know your pain. I hate microwavable meals. What I started doing so that I would not go to a drive through on my way from work to school is prepare meals over the weekend and either freeze or refridgerate them. That has seemed to work best for me. You can also prepare the night before if you have time. I wake up a 7am and dont get home from school until close to 12am (3 times a week when I have class).

The other problem you may have starting out is that you want to figure out how much you are currently eating and drop that number maybe 300-500 calories per day. My problem when I started out here was that I chose a number based on my BMI and it didnt work for me. I had to calculate what I was eating to maintain my heavier weight and drop that.

After a while it will be easier and now I have to force myself to eat in order to get the calories I need.
The problem with calculating what I eat now is that its fluctuates greatly. I have days where I am probably at around 1600-1800 and then days when its closer to 3000. It just depends whats available to me.

I guess Ill give the 1800 a shot, and if that seems like its too much Ill knock it up 200.