Gonna try this

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New member
OK, so this is new to me.

I have a couple of goals for this new year. I'll be 50 this year and it's waaaayyy past time for me to get into decent shape and size. I know that I don't eat right (seldom eat dinner, often go for a couple of days without eating anything more than a handful of nuts or crackers).

The lousy weather around here makes it difficult to get out and walk everyday and walking in the mall is boring and difficult with all of the people in there. Besides, the food court is there!

Goal #1 - lose weight - ultimately 50 lbs (down to a size 8 would be wonderful, currently a 16)
Goal #2 - getting rid of my grandma's arms. I'm not sure when they showed up, but they're embarrassing and some shirts don't fit now.
Goal #3 - the high BP should drop automatically with the weight

Haven't quite figured out how to set a ticker or diary but I guess I'll figure those out eventually.:confused:
welcome to the forum! :) have you ever exercised before? you mentioned you have high bp. i hope that you have discussed your weight loss intentions with your doctor?
Gotta do more than try

I just went in to see her (the doc) two weeks ago. She never says anything about my weight. However, with a family history of high bp and diabetes I just already know that I've got to get it in gear and get myself into shape. I have a cardio glide and a weight bench in the garage just waiting for some attention. My chiropractor has given me some exercises that I should be able to do and hopefully not pop out too many ribs in the process.

I also just found out today through searching the internet that my birth mother died 2.5 years ago but I don't know from what. She had everything...diabetes, high bp, post polio syndrome, narcolepsy and sleep apnea. She also had her first heartattack before the age of 50. She was a walking time bomb and I'm hoping to hold some of that back for myself.

I've already blown it for today. My daughter wanted spaghetti for dinner. I only had one small to medium serving but the carbs will get me in the end ;)
I'm sorry to hear about your mom, how sad!

Don't have the attitude 'you've blown it' just try to do as well as you can the rest of the day. Once you decided its blown, your more likely to continue to eat bad the rest of the day.

I'm glad you found us and i'm looking forward to hearing more from you!!
Today has been pretty good. I bought things I like and know I'll eat in moderation. Cottage cheese, jack cheese, cheddar, smoked turkey breast, cherries. I had those for lunch and then again for a small snack with a couple of carrots and celery sticks. The only sweets for the day were the cherries. That's much better than the burger 'n fries or fattening chinese food I'd normally have for lunch.

I also did some stretching exercises and used my small weights this evening. This will be slow, but I know it's something that I can do this time. I have to. I've got a little 5 year old depending on me being around for her. She loves exercising with her Grammy.
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