Sport Going out, be social and drinks

Sport Fitness
Past couple of weeks my friends are all back from uni and we meet in our local pub every other night or so.

My friends are big drinkers but i am not at all. I sometimes have a pint or two of lager on a saturday and the odd bingey night out but generally alcohol doesnt bother me at all.

When going to our pub ive been drinking diet coke simply as if you're sat there for a couple of hours you need something in front of you. What the general opinion on coke? i know that diet contains x million chemicals but surely its better than the real thing. i had considered orange juice but that pumps my daily calorie sheet through the roof.

What would you do? I could try orange squash but i know thats not exactly a health food. i have just had water (barman loved me for that) but that makes me pee even more than the coke.

Thanks all.
Diet coke contains aspartame, the jury's still out on that one. try and google it.

water no good?
Well water of course is the best thing to drink but i often do diet coke when i go out as well. Is there some stuff in diet coke that isn't that great yeah, but is it better than downing a bunch of ale, totally.

My usual thing when i go out is i allow myself two or three crown and diets and then the rest of the night kill off as much water as i can. Thats just me though cause i like a tiny buzz.

I think having a few diet cokes while drinking with the boys isn't going to kill you.
Just gulp down a few glasses of whiskey and you're set for the night. I think it has less cals than a 24 oz of Coke and a pint of lager...