Let’s have some fun with this.
Going for health related fitness as this is the simplest way to give you a good base and set you up to go in any direction you want from there. Obviously you can change rep ranges and I have no idea what the weights of kit you have are.
Circuit training using the bals system. That isn't misspelled it means back, arms, legs, stomach.
Style is no rest circuit so you want the kit laid out so you can move from one to the next immediately. I would say go for reps of ten or minute of each if your weights are light. This is set for three times round, but you can simply keep going for a set amount of time instead.
Deadlift with dumbbells
Push ups, increase intensity with feet on bench or decrease doing with knees on floor etc.
Side jumps over bench, high knees.
Roll ups. Start laid on the floor, fling yourself so that you are able to roll up onto your feet without your hands touching the floor. Sane alternative, crunches.
Wide grip pull ups.
Kettlebell clean and press alternate sides.
Goblet squats, with jump if light kettle, be careful of chin if doing this.
Elbows to knees with leg extensions. Laid on back feet off floor, hands beside head, one leg comes up, bending knee other elbow comes to meet it. Keep stomach pulled in at all times.
Warm up with either short run or cycle around 5 minutes, followed by reach stretches, cool down with long jog or cycle, 20 minutes or so if practical and long stretches. The cool down should be low intensity, pace is everything here, you aren't used to cardio so jog will likely be at walking pace, there is nothing wrong with that, anyone telling you otherwise is a moron. More important to get the duration than pace, if you can't do that running stick to the bike.
There are things to know before giving too much detail here. Weights of kit, including bag, your general standard of fitness now, appearance means nothing in this regard, ability is everything.
What I have given here could be totally inappropriate, as I don't know what you have or can do, but hey.