Going for the swimmer's body, my 5 months Journal

Here we are,
Age: 25
Height: 1.85m
Starting Weight: 78Kg

Routine (started 2 weeks ago):
one day long distance running (incremental, started at 6Km, yesterday managed to run 15Km) and little swimming.
one day warmup run (4Km) and swimming till exhausted.
Everyday 50 abs crunches.
1 day off per week.

Loose belly fat (already almost there), putting up muscles on abs and chest, and a little on arms.
I don't really like weight lifting so I'll try to do it by avoiding any dry land workout apart from crunches and running.

Eating habits:
Breakfast: 100g corn flakes w/150ml whole milk, couple sips of orange juice.
Lunch: Pasta, usually w/beef (home cooked on weekends, from supermarket fresh ready meals on workdays).
Pre-workout: 30g mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios).
Dinner: 4 cans of beans per week, 4 cans of tuna per week, 3 sausages per week, 6 eggs per week, poultry twice a week.
unfortunately I hate vegetables and fruit so I try to eat at least twice a week the ones I like (couple bananas, red onions with tuna, couple boiled potatoes, spinachs in omelettes).
Couple pints of beer per week, fast food once a week (drinking water tho).

Pictures coming up tonight.
Let's do this!
Entry #1 17/01/12
Breakfast: As usual
Lunch: As usual
Pre-work out: As usual
Dinner: 3 sausages cooked in tomato juice with 1 can of beans. Later one cup of wilk with chocolate.
(sometimes I have this cup of milk with chocolate after dinner, especially when I did't eat much, tonight was really overkill, feeling too stuffed lying here in bed :violent:)

Treadmill: 4Km
Crunches: 60
Swimming: 30 minutes

Quite a lazy day :violent:
My pictures as of today (after huge dinner :D)
Entry #2 18/01/12
Breakfast: As usual
Lunch: As usual
Pre-work out: As usual
Dinner: 6 roasted chicken drumsticks with half a baguette, a glass of orange juice

Treadmill: 10Km
Crunches: 60
Swimming: none

That was a great run, I wasn't panting at all after one hour of running, felt great, looks like my lungs and heart adapted to the 10Km/hour pace. I had to stop tho cause my knee are still a little sore from monday's 15Km and I didn't want to risk.
Didn't have time to swim cause I came out of work quite late today.
Dinner was massive but I'm not that stuffed, seems ok.
Entry #3 19/01/12
Breakfast: As usual
Lunch: As usual
Pre-work out: As usual
Dinner: 2 cans of tuna, 1 red onion, 1 can of beans, 1 boiled egg

Treadmill: 4Km
Crunches: 40
Swimming: 45 minutes

Pretty standard workout, could have swimmed a little more but that's fine.
Really nice dinner with plenty of food.
Am I right in saying that your 5 month regime only lasted 3 days?

I was eagerly awaiting seeing the unfolding results to decide whether swimming is the right course of action to achieve the killer physic I am looking for.