Sport Going back to cereal. CEREAL IS GOLD!

Sport Fitness
Alright. After experiencing this morbid oatmeal for the first time this morning, I've come to a realization.

CEREAL IS GOLD. You cannot go WRONG with cereal. I have NEVER in my life experienced a cereal that tastes AS BAD as this oatmeal.

Anyways, I was SERIOUSLY thinking of going back to cereal.

Does anyone know of any VERY nutritional cereal? Something that matches the effectiveness of that quaker oats oldfashioned oatmeal?
Here's general guidlines for choosing a cereal that's actually 'good for you'

3g of fiber for every 100calories (per serving).
less than 8g of sugar
less sodium (in mg) than calories

For example:
a serving size of 150calories should contain 4.5g of fiber, MINIMUM
No more than 11g of sugar
and 150mg of sodium or less

In other words, don't even bother looking at cereals unless it says "multigrain" or "bran".

Honestly I don't see how you could eat the packets, which taste like paste, but think the whole oats are horrid. Did you follow our instrutions to add a dash of cinnamon, and a packet of splenda? Did you cook it correctly? Hell, half the hardcore people I know just eat their oats uncooked!
Oatmeal can be horrible if not prepared right, it takes some experimentation to get it just the way you like it. How did you prepare it? Water or Milk? Microwave? How long? What did you add to it?

Anyways there is no cold cereal in existence that matches the nutritional quality of oatmeal, none. Having said that you will find Kashi Go Lean to be a nice choice of cereal but by NO MEANS is it a replacement for oatmeal which is arguably THE most popular complex carb in the bodybuilding/fitness world.
Oatmeal tastes like dreck and has the consistency of paste no matter how you cook it, that said there is nothing better and I eat it every day.

I actually like it better uncooked as the texture is more agreeable, just uncooked whole oats mixed with my morning protein shake.
Here's how I cook my oatmeal
1/2cup oats
1 cup cold water
put in microwave safe gladware bowl
nuke 90 seconds
nuke 30 seconds (watch it cuz it could boil over now)

Stir in 1/8 tsp cinammon (a dash) and 1 packet Splenda. Let it cook a few mins, then chow down.
I did it like this;

Heated water in microwave for....uh...1 minute.
Added half a cup (150ml?) of the oatmeal.
Added about like...4 teaspoons of cinnamon (which, by the way, is some EXPENSIVE SH!T)


Added like 10 cut up strawberries to it TRYING to disguise the UNBELIEVABLY bad flavour; didnt work. -__-"'

Anyways, I asked my mother to buy cereal today, and she bought some Special K with strawberrries kind. OH MY! MY love for breakfast was rekindled. :D

Trying NOT to be wasteful, as always, I mixed 1 cup of cereal with about half a cup of the oats, NOT cooked. Well, it was ACTUALLY bearably to get through it... -_-''
call me crazy but i love oatmeal! try maybe adding vanilla extract to it? i don't know maybe it will help if you don't like the flavor or try half cooked half raw mixed together to change the texture?? it worked with my kids.
jenn said:
call me crazy but i love oatmeal! try maybe adding vanilla extract to it? i don't know maybe it will help if you don't like the flavor or try half cooked half raw mixed together to change the texture?? it worked with my kids.

No, no. People are missing the problem. It's not TEXTURE, its TASTE. It tase absolutely morbid.

Also, vanilla isnt too great, tasty, but not healthy.

I was wondering, I take multi-vitamins, so do I really NEED these benefits of oatmeal? I mean, what else is there besides vitamains and minerals. I get alll I need from the pills.
no you nut don't be a pill popper they are SUPPLEMENTS!! you need to eat good food your body needs it and so does your brain. FOOD not pills.
jenn said:
no you nut don't be a pill popper they are SUPPLEMENTS!! you need to eat good food your body needs it and so does your brain. FOOD not pills.

I know what you mean. Sorry, SUPPLEMENTS, not PILLS. Silly me. :rolleyes:

I know the natural stuff is better, but hence I am only 16 years old, and like...not in total control what I eat, what food I buy, ect.
4 teaspoons? gag. that's enough cinnamon to make about 6 dozen cookies. try a dash. cinnamon is more an aromatic seasoning than a tastey one. over do it, and it takes like you mixed rancid sawdust into your oatmeal.
Who said you HAVE to eat oatmeal if you don't like it? I certainly never do! Eat another carb or protein if that's what you're after...if not, eat fruit!
there are many good cereal choices out there, i mix about 4 or 5 of them together for mine, just look for whole food type cereals by reading the labels. and stay away from kid's versions. BTW, i dump uncooked oatmeal in my protein shakes in the blender most mornings. you cant even taste it, though i actually like the taste of oatmeal. good luck.
AndyK said:
i like bran flakes with chopped bananna on top, den a yogurt afterwards and a glass of milk

thats exactly what i eat. except. the glass of milk. i figure i get my milk with the cereal!
i just bought some cereal for my dorm room. honey bunches of oats with strawberries :D nutrition chart says its A O K too! woooooo
My new fave is uncooked oatmeal with fat free, sugar free yogurt and some sugar free sour cherries. It tastes good, is good for me before my morning walk to work and since they are Hungarian sour cherries my grandma is happy that I am eating Hungarian food every day. Apparently the sour cherries are good for soft tissue ( there was some kind of study done anyways) too so seems like an all around winner.

Anyways thats my newest breakfast sensation, I eat the same thing every day until I am sick of it though, since I don't need variety or like change as much as most and this is super compared to my last round.
raisin bran, or special K with that yogurt burst.

Apples and Cinnamon Oatmeal, With HEATED milk from Stove. Nothing tastes better!
I like Cocoa Pebbles. None of that Puffs stuff. Actually, I don't really like puffy cereal. I like the stuff you can eat without cutting the roof of your mouth. That means Captain Crunch is OUT. LOL