Going back requires 2 clicks.


New member
I dont know maybe its just me. But for some reason only on this site does it require me to click the back button two times for it to actually go back does it do that for anyone else?
Works with one click for me
I use Firefox btw...and still one click, but on IE it requires two. Apparently a browser issue.
It takes me two clicks but I'm new and I keep forgetting that so it takes a really long time as well. And Hi I'm new..
It takes me two clicks but I'm new and I keep forgetting that so it takes a really long time as well. And Hi I'm new..

Ditto. Keep forgetting too as only just joined yesterday. I keep doing the thing where I think 'Huh, did I just click that back button or did I dream it' . It takes a while for things to sink in, with me, lol.

I'm an IE user - looks like we're the two-clickers.
2 clicks here when at work, at home i use firefox.. i cant remember if it takes 2 or 1, but i assume 1 since thats what everyone else is reporting.