New member
ok joy f****ng joy. i bought some scales and i HAVE put on a stone. i now weigh 67kg. i wish to be 57kg by the end of this month. i have bought some thermogenic thingys called go cal1000. my diet is sorted and im walking for an hour to 95 mins a day. attempting to run but there is snow everywhere and i cant. is 10kg achieveable by the end of febuary? if so, how much energy do i need to be burning a day. how many hours worth of walking would i need to do at a moderate to brisk pace to burn enough calories to reach this goal. i am 5ft 7.
oh and steve if you read this, is an hours walk enough to boost this whole thermogenic stuff in the morning? or does it have to be high CV for it to be of any benefit.
a very p****d off ceg
oh and steve if you read this, is an hours walk enough to boost this whole thermogenic stuff in the morning? or does it have to be high CV for it to be of any benefit.
a very p****d off ceg