anyone heard of this supplement. It gives u 2000 calories per serving if I am not mistaken, here`s the link
yep, its whey protein with a ton of sugar added.
same as any other 'weight gainer' on the market.
do yourself a favor, and eat REAL FOOD. weight gainers aren't ideal, and are basically tailored for scrawy guys who can't seem to eat enough REAL FOOD to put on weight like normal people (i.e. super fast metabolism).
if that doesn't describe you, then this isn't a product you should be looking at.
How's the rest of your diet and training? if those aspect suck, no supplement (not even steroids) will make you buff.
Well I'm 17, 5"5 And I Weigh 112....A Real Featherweight..But I'm Trying To Gain 15 To 20 Pounds So..Would The Weight Gainers Help Me, Cause My Metabolism Won't Let Me Gain An Ounce On Real Food
I just got 5 kg of a 50% protein/50% carb shake because the guy i got it of at the gym is a personal trainer and he could hook me up with good deals because he buys tons of it for his clients and he thinks this would be best for me because i am so skinny. I weigh 134 pounds/lbs and i am wondering if something like this would help? So much better then what i payed for at the GNC shop which was 86 dollars for 1.25kg