
I've been reading numerous articles about the benefits of L Glutamine so I want to add this as a supplement. My question is, how much would I need to take daily to get the most out of it? I don't know if this helps but I'm 6' 2" and 203 lbs.
I've been reading numerous articles about the benefits of L Glutamine so I want to add this as a supplement. My question is, how much would I need to take daily to get the most out of it? I don't know if this helps but I'm 6' 2" and 203 lbs.

IMO, you simply do not need it.

You should be more concerned about the specifics of your diet (and how to manage this properly), and the mechanics of your weight training (and how to manage this properly), and educating yourself (thoroughly, and there is a mountain of "quality" information at your finger tips) on various supplements, and weed out the marketing hype (and unsound claims), and look at all things with an educated mind set.

Best wishes,

I appreciate the reply Chillen. You're always very helpful. I joined the forums I think about a month ago because I play college baseball and wanted to start taking my atheletism very seriously. This is an idea of what a typical tuesday would look like for me.

(This isn't my own personal training routine. It's the one I have to follow from my strength and conditioning coach)
-Warm Up
-Box Jumps 4 x 4 (20lb weighted vest)
-Alternating Incline DB Press 4 x 5
-Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 18
-DB Shoulder Press 4 x 5
-Glute Ham Raises (ouch) 3 x 18
-Shoulder Circuit 3 x 18

Following the workout is my conditioning which today involved 14 100 yard sprints with a 45 second rest perio in between

Now, I don't follow a planned diet but I do watch what I eat and am conscience of what I take in. Here's an idea of what a day likes like for me:

Morning: Waking up
-Protein Drink (sometimes milk, sometimes water)
-Banana or some type of Fruit
-500 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
-1500mg Wheat Grass

Post Workout
-Protein Drink (always wih 20oz water)
-Couple handfuls of trail mix (Organic Island Passion: banana chips, cashews, peauts, dates, pineapple, coconut, and mango)

-Some type of carb either a pasta or rice
-Always a meat, mostly chicken breast but could be beef depending on whats the menu
-Glass of chocolate milk
-glass of unsweetened iced tea
-1500mg wheat grass
-Couple handfuls of Trail Mix

-usually depends on what the mom dukes makes lol but she's a healthy person and pactical studies foods and such. Many of things in ur household are organic. But yesterday for example was:
-broiled chicken

Calorie intake isn't a concern for me but I try to stay around 3600 - 4000 a day (my body weight * 15 + 1000).
The wheat grass is just a green food supplement because I do neglect my veggies sometimes, not on purpose though. The alpha lipoic acid is just a powerful antioxidant. I try to research and read as much as I can but it is hard to tell the diferrence between real articles and just assumptions but based on what I have here is there anything I'm lacking or anything I could benefit from?
Thanks the help!!