I appreciate the reply Chillen. You're always very helpful. I joined the forums I think about a month ago because I play college baseball and wanted to start taking my atheletism very seriously. This is an idea of what a typical tuesday would look like for me.
(This isn't my own personal training routine. It's the one I have to follow from my strength and conditioning coach)
-Warm Up
-Box Jumps 4 x 4 (20lb weighted vest)
-Alternating Incline DB Press 4 x 5
-Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 18
-DB Shoulder Press 4 x 5
-Glute Ham Raises (ouch) 3 x 18
-Shoulder Circuit 3 x 18
Following the workout is my conditioning which today involved 14 100 yard sprints with a 45 second rest perio in between
Now, I don't follow a planned diet but I do watch what I eat and am conscience of what I take in. Here's an idea of what a day likes like for me:
Morning: Waking up
-Protein Drink (sometimes milk, sometimes water)
-Banana or some type of Fruit
-500 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
-1500mg Wheat Grass
Post Workout
-Protein Drink (always wih 20oz water)
-Couple handfuls of trail mix (Organic Island Passion: banana chips, cashews, peauts, dates, pineapple, coconut, and mango)
-Some type of carb either a pasta or rice
-Always a meat, mostly chicken breast but could be beef depending on whats the menu
-Glass of chocolate milk
-glass of unsweetened iced tea
-1500mg wheat grass
-Couple handfuls of Trail Mix
-usually depends on what the mom dukes makes lol but she's a healthy person and pactical studies foods and such. Many of things in ur household are organic. But yesterday for example was:
-broiled chicken
Calorie intake isn't a concern for me but I try to stay around 3600 - 4000 a day (my body weight * 15 + 1000).
The wheat grass is just a green food supplement because I do neglect my veggies sometimes, not on purpose though. The alpha lipoic acid is just a powerful antioxidant. I try to research and read as much as I can but it is hard to tell the diferrence between real articles and just assumptions but based on what I have here is there anything I'm lacking or anything I could benefit from?
Thanks the help!!