Sport Glutamine?

Sport Fitness
I want a second opinion on this I have been taking L-Glutamine for a while now and have seen results but now I'm recently been told not to even worry about it and to save my money because as long as I have a high protein diet then I have have nothing to worry about comments please.
supplemental l-glutamine gets destroyed by the gut before it ever hits your bloodstream.

certain digestive disorders can benefit from glutamien supplementation, but your muscles won't.

skip it.
do some googling for AIDS patients and Glutamine. that's the only research I've ever seen that showed glutamine supplementation actually did something beneficial.

"Glutamine aids in healing Leaky Gut Syndrome by strengthening the intestinal mucosa, thereby decreasing intestinal permeability."

all the athletic "research" was based on anecdotal like "I felt like I recovered faster" actual scientific tests were conducted to see if the muscle actually repaired faster or if glutatmine levels in the bloodstream/muscle tissue was actually increased.
hell they didn't even test cortisol levels, which some marketers claim glutamine reduces cortisol production.

I used to use glutamine daily, up to 20g a day for a while. It provided me with no benefit, so I quit wasting money on it.
I gotta agree with malkore, but of course some people react differently, if you feel a difference or any benefit, then go ahead and use it. But for most, it won't have much of any effect. Do an experiment on yourself, but an in depth one, how do you know you've seen results from it specifically? Are you taking anything else that could be a factor?, so on
lots of protein powders already have 1g of glutamine peptides anyways. and whole protein sources like meat and chicken (and especially cottage cheese) are high in glutamine as well.
malkore said:
supplemental l-glutamine gets destroyed by the gut before it ever hits your bloodstream...

Could be coincidence But I have done a personal test with and without glutamine. I did notice a high improvement in repair while I was on it and experienced worse DOMS when i was off it.
Im just curious where you got this information.
It's shown in research. 80-90% of glutamine taken orally doesn't make it past the gut. Also glutamine has no correlation with soreness. Now there may be something to improved digestion, better nutrient assimilation that equals adequate recovery (that would be cool if they looked at that) but there is no evidence to show glutamine greatly assists weight training individuals.
so I shouldnt even waste my money buying it anymore.I already do get a high enough protein intake should i just spend my money on whey protein powder instead of 1000 grams of L-glutamine?
It is shown in research?
Which research though? Glutamine helps with protein synthesis, that is why you muscles hurt less because their repair is sped up.
I would love to see some hard study showing that it is useless because the sh*t is expensive, but for now, I will continue to reap the benefits, placebo or not.
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I personally don't believe it's "completely" useless as those who have trouble with their stomachs as I do can greatly benefit from it. Also as was touched upon earlier, those in a catabolic state like HIV patients, burn victims even marathon runners and pre-contest bodybuilders can benefit from it. But for everyone else it's not a "must-have".

I had provided a link last month with a bunch of research done on weight training individuals where it provided no benefit. But I'll say it again because I've seen it firsthand, you take someone with poor digestion and give them more glutamine and it can make a big difference in their progress.

Myself, I dropped the glutamine powder and just started eating more yogurt because that's a good food source of it. :)
mmm....yogurt ok then abear i like where your going I havent use the glutamine in a while since i posted this. I think itll help just keeping a high protein diet besides i do eat yogurt alot if i need the glutamine ill use it other wise i think ill be fine
I used to use glutamine a lot...20g a day for a couple months in fact (based on a 'study' my muscle & fitness reported on....)

I saw no decrease in DOMS, or speedup in recovery when taking it. And when I quit usign it, I noticed no backslide in my performance, or longer recovery...or anything.

Cottage cheese also has glutamine in it. I don't honestly think the average person needs to take in any more glutamine than what would be in a healthy, balanced 'athlete' type diet.