Glucosamine Chondroitin pils...

Due to several hard dirt bike crashes, snowboard crashes, and who knows what else, I've sort of beat myself up in my short 21 years of age... Usually towards the end of my weight lifting workout, my joints start to ache a bit, so I picked up a bottle of G.C from GNC and have been taking it for a week or so. Although I've only been taking it a very short time, I think I'm already starting to feel a difference. Not in lifting weights, just throughout the day. My body seems to feel better while working throughout the day, and I have to do more reps while working out before I feel the same pain. It's not a horrible pain, but enough that I wanted to see if anything would help.

I was told by the guy in GNC that you take it for a month or so, and then you don't need to for a long while. Hopefully it works out. Anyone else taking this or anything similar?
I take those everytime I workout my legs before. Have stopped using it because I don't feel the need anymore but it work wonders. Try some Fish oil as well; similiar effects for me. Btw, if you are a diabetic, check with your doctor. Definitely useful supplement and I take it on/off when I feel cracking / tight joint.
I was told by the guy in GNC that you take it for a month or so, and then you don't need to for a long while. Hopefully it works out. Anyone else taking this or anything similar?

GNC :11doh:

Actually, it's believed it takes 3-6 months to build up in your body enough to make a difference, though many anecdotal reports (like yours) suggest otherwise. Also, and this is kinda important, you take it continuously.

A lot of endurance athletes use the stuff, and I have been for ~6 months myself, but most will tell you something on the order of "better safe than sorry" rather than "glucosamine and chondroitin saved my joints!". In this respect it's a lot like a multivitamin, scientifically speaking.

For myself I can't really say, as when I started training I experienced a minor issue with one of my knees seizing up but it's impossible to tell whether it went away because my body eventually adapted to the sudden shift from no running at all ever to running a hell of a lot (though helped a great deal by improvements in technique I suspect) on its own or whether help was provided by the supplement.

My stance is, simply put, if you can afford it and you feel like it's working, why not?
Thanks for the replies, guys :)

I figured as time goes on, I'd adapt to my routine and wouldn't feel the pain (Again, it's not horrible, but enough that I wanted to correct it), and it's mostly hen doing my weight routine, specifically things like military press, after a few sets of curls, etc...

I bought the small bottle at the time just to see if it'd hlp, I'll have to make my decision when it's out. If I feel it has made a difference, I'll buy more :jump1: