Here is a skeleton of my bulking diet.
Nowhere near complete, but I will need you lots advice on what I need and where I need it.
-I am 5'10-11, 17 and 135lbs. Don't really care about putting fat on just need to gain weight!
-Aiming for 3000+ calories a day
-I do 3-4 FBW per week which lasts 1hour roughly.
-Meal times as you can see are varied because of my lifestyle.(if i wake up a little later one day when off work or goto bed late)
-On the days I am at work I eat lots of tuna salad sandwiches which will replace meals 2-3 and 4. Eating times will not be accurate due to nature of work but will eat all.
MEAL ONE Breakfast time = 500-600cal
Either 2 Pop Tarts (200cal each) OR 1 Tin of Mackeral Fillets (130g 250cal) and 1 Pop Tart. (400cal or 450cal total)
BodyFortress or Myopro Shake (100cal)
Omega 3 Fish oil Capsule and Multivitamin
MEAL TWO 10AM - 12
Need advice here, a morning 'snack' what isnt going to be too filling which has a lot of calories, easy to make. also take into consideration anything I am missing/lacking (carbs, fats etc)
MEAL THREE 12-2:30PM = 600-700cal
Baked Beans(200g) on 2 slices toast (heavily buttered) with grated cheese. (30-50g)
MEAL FOUR 4PM-6PM = 300cal
Tin of Tuna (130-150g tin) with Grated Cheese (30-50g)
For the protein content mainly
MEAL FIVE 6PM-8PM usually 500cal+
Varied large meal (usually family meal)
Meats, Veggies, Potatoes, Varied
Could be anything, steak, chicken, bacon, sausages, mash, spaghetti,beef dinner etc. usually healthy large meal
MEAL SIX Before bed = 600cal
ON Pro Complex Gainer 600cal and some Creatine (this stuff works I have gained 2lbs this past week that I have used it!)
-On workout days I immediatley have some Myopro Whey protein after workout.
-I have Creatine before my workout and a little after.
-I do have the odd bit of chocolate / packet of crisps just to bump up the calorie intake
-I drink a bit of Lucozade original (250cal for a 380ml bottle) not sure wether this is good or bad.
-Work Part time few days a week, moving to full time soon and the work I do is moderate physical work (property maintenance)
I need to start eating more nuts as snacks and drinking more pure orange juice.
Need to eat more fruits but not sure where to put them (whichever fruit is healthiest advice needed on that one lol)
I know my diet is pretty **** that is why I have posted on here so I can get it a lot better.
What needs scrapping and what needs improving?
will be happy to answer any questions
Nowhere near complete, but I will need you lots advice on what I need and where I need it.
-I am 5'10-11, 17 and 135lbs. Don't really care about putting fat on just need to gain weight!
-Aiming for 3000+ calories a day
-I do 3-4 FBW per week which lasts 1hour roughly.
-Meal times as you can see are varied because of my lifestyle.(if i wake up a little later one day when off work or goto bed late)
-On the days I am at work I eat lots of tuna salad sandwiches which will replace meals 2-3 and 4. Eating times will not be accurate due to nature of work but will eat all.
MEAL ONE Breakfast time = 500-600cal
Either 2 Pop Tarts (200cal each) OR 1 Tin of Mackeral Fillets (130g 250cal) and 1 Pop Tart. (400cal or 450cal total)
BodyFortress or Myopro Shake (100cal)
Omega 3 Fish oil Capsule and Multivitamin
MEAL TWO 10AM - 12
Need advice here, a morning 'snack' what isnt going to be too filling which has a lot of calories, easy to make. also take into consideration anything I am missing/lacking (carbs, fats etc)
MEAL THREE 12-2:30PM = 600-700cal
Baked Beans(200g) on 2 slices toast (heavily buttered) with grated cheese. (30-50g)
MEAL FOUR 4PM-6PM = 300cal
Tin of Tuna (130-150g tin) with Grated Cheese (30-50g)
For the protein content mainly
MEAL FIVE 6PM-8PM usually 500cal+
Varied large meal (usually family meal)
Meats, Veggies, Potatoes, Varied
Could be anything, steak, chicken, bacon, sausages, mash, spaghetti,beef dinner etc. usually healthy large meal
MEAL SIX Before bed = 600cal
ON Pro Complex Gainer 600cal and some Creatine (this stuff works I have gained 2lbs this past week that I have used it!)
-On workout days I immediatley have some Myopro Whey protein after workout.
-I have Creatine before my workout and a little after.
-I do have the odd bit of chocolate / packet of crisps just to bump up the calorie intake
-I drink a bit of Lucozade original (250cal for a 380ml bottle) not sure wether this is good or bad.
-Work Part time few days a week, moving to full time soon and the work I do is moderate physical work (property maintenance)
I need to start eating more nuts as snacks and drinking more pure orange juice.
Need to eat more fruits but not sure where to put them (whichever fruit is healthiest advice needed on that one lol)
I know my diet is pretty **** that is why I have posted on here so I can get it a lot better.
What needs scrapping and what needs improving?
will be happy to answer any questions