Giddy when standing up

Does anyone has this problem??

I realise when i bend down, knee down or put my head in a downwards position, say touching my knee or toes for a short moment (maybe like 10-20secs), when i stand up, i feel very giddy, like there's alot of stars spining around in my eye, and my vision goes blurry.

is this a bad thing???? :(
I get the same thing when I stand up too quick. I don't know what causes it, i just get up slower :)
its called ortostatic hypertension. a rapid rise in bp that comes back down on its own , its just postural thing, nothing to worry about it happens often. try getting up more slowly. and stablize your self against something so you don't fall jk about the last part.. :)
Is that the same thing as low blood pressure jenn? I'm pretty sure that's what causes my giddiness. I've got a resting bp of 110/60
no its a sudden rise in bp when raising from a lower postion like bending over or getting out of bed. its all postural, bryn your bp isn't really low- 120/90 is average so yours is still in a good range. so when do you get giddy i can answer you better if i know..:)
Generally when i've been sitting down for a while. More often than not it seems to happen when I got to the toilet. Is that just coincidance or does needing to go to the toilet effect your bp?
ok i got it now u have vagled yourself. basicaly you have stimulated your vagus nerve you do this when you strain and that sort of thing, its a common i can't tell you how many calls come in where ppl have collapsed on the can. its not funny but it makes me giggle its not a bp thing with the tiolet anyway. as far as the sitting down and getting up yes that is orthostatic hypertension. :) i hope i made that clear enough i'm not sure if i did, so feel free to ask me anything elae thats what i'm here for. :)
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but i dont' get up quickly at all, its not like i jerk up or what.....sometimes when i measure my bp at the doc, i'm told i'm low bp.

and i was told people like me cannot donate blood at all, cos of my blood.

it gets abit worrying when it happens all the time, i actaully had to hold on to something to gain back my vision and wait for the giddness to go away, sometimes i had to give my head a good "shake"
it does not matter if it is fast its about the change in your bodies position. thats all just becareful and watch yourself. its worse for you bc of having low bp but it happens to alot of ppl. i know ppl that have passed out cold from it. just try to stablize yourself with something and breath thru it.
naa chocolate i wouldn't worry about it unless it affects your ability to function doing everyday tasks, by that i mean you can't do many things you could normally do like 6 months ago bc your passing out all over the place. syncopal episodes are nto uncommon and really not a big deal. a little scarey maybe but non the less no biggie. now if you have syncope and seizure or coma then get your ass to the doc. or if you have other weird not normal for you symptoms go get checked out. many things can couse syncope and most of them are nothing to worry about, i get like that getting out of the hot tub sometimes. so like i said if your aren't, ona daily basis, passing out oll over the place or doing the funky chicken, don't worry about it.
vagled myself? Sounds painful. Don't quite get it tho. Does stimulating the vagus nerve cause a rise in bp or is there another cause for the dizziness?
ok no no bryn i think i have confused you. when you stimulate the vagus nerve it causes a decrease in bp, hr, etc. it is innervates much of the body and is a parasympathic nerve-it slows things down(except your gi tract) so when you bear down it stimulates the part of the nerve in the neck area and causes a decrease in the bodies response-parasympathic response. that is why you get dizzy-you have low bp so when you strain in lowers further=dizziness. its nothing to worry about. you are young and healthy and i gather that you have no underlying heart diease etc. so don't worry. acp's use this nerve to lower bp, hr etc in emergency stiuations when we don't have access to start i.v.'s to push meds or when we have limited accessto the pt. like they are trapped in acar and we can only get to the head and neck or something crazy like that. what i was talking to chocolate about is a sudden rise in bp due to postural changes, that is much different than straining and stimulating the vagus nerve. the postural changes sends signals to the brain and the brain responses to the change in the position of your body by raising your bp fast then it senses the bp is too high and returns it to normal. it happens very fast and goes away very quickly. its hard to get into exactly why it happens bc unless you have some back ground in the medical field or advanced biololgy you won't get it with out loads of detail. just trust me its common and everyone at some point in their lives will experience both of these things. it is no bigg deal unless you fall and hurt yourself. really. just move slowly when gettting up, eat properly and becareful when you exert yourself.
today when i was doing yoga, it happens again, funny it never happen before during yoga lessons