Sport Getting tired/dizzy/light headed?

Sport Fitness
Hey, i haven't been posting or reading for a while because ive been really busy but i think im gonna come back :) I see the smileys have changed.

Anyway to the point, For about a week now I have been hitting 1:30 round abouts and have just suddenly been feeling tired/dizzy/light headed - are the ways to describe it. I have ruled out it being lack of sleep as i have been getting 10 hrs sleep for the last 3 days. I have ruled out too little calories because the last 2 days i have upped my calories a fair bit yet i still get the dizzyness.

I have thought of one, Splenda, I have like heaps of it in my oatmeal in the morning coz it tastes soo good lol. But i cant be sure of this. I was wondering if any of you have any ideas on what it could possibly be?

:eek: Maybe im diabedic! But that wouldnt make sense because i have basically restricted sugar, white rice and white bread from my diet for about 6 months now...

Anyway, ill stop yabbering on. But any input to help me out would be great, thanx :D
low blood sugar?
my gf frequently has this problem. we managed to work out that she needed a sugar kick to stop the dizziness, as even eating (for example) a sandwich didnt stop it, whereas a small bag of sweets/candy did.

Turns out she has an over active thyroid and low blood sugar levels. ive also experienced some dizziness although not to your extent, i find that it happens when i intentional cut out all sugars - but if i eat a small yoghurt or half a spoon of sugar in tea it goes v quickly.

Id suggest trying a little brown sugar with breakfast rather than splenda or whatever the subsititutes are called. plus they're all chemicals that we probably shouldnt be eating anyway.

i have found that making an effort to cut out certain foods (inc sugars and fats) often has adverse affects - we need both for everyday living and its best to do what makes you feel better rather than what we hear will make us toned/muscular/thin.
we all look at sugar like it's an evil bad thing. Well, everything is bad if it's overused. Using a little won't make you fat. Just have a small candy, or put a bit of sugar in your oatmeal; that'll probably take care of the dizzyness.
Good thinking ppl :D I had a tspn in my coffee this morning and it had gone. But imj going to put brown sugar in my oatmeal in the morning now instead...1 leavel tspn though only coz thats all i need.
Go to the doctor and get your blood sugar checked. With diabetes at an all time high in this country, you can't be too careful.