Getting the Balance right!


New member
First of all, I would like to give my thanks to the professionals and other regular supporters of this board - this forum has really livened up with some good fresh well thought advice recently. No names - you know who you are.

Ok, I have almost cut to the point where I don't think that I should cut much more, and should now start to aim for stable weight before trying to bulk at all. I'm male, age 44, weigh 139 pounds, 5ft 8" tall (BMI 21.1) and have a very active lifestyle. I have a manual shift-based job, I try to strength train for 45-55 minutes, three times per week; I enjoy running with my dog outdoors (cross country, cross town etc), and try to do that once or twice per week. But I also try to get two or more days doing no exercise! Its hard, because I enjoy the exercise...

My goal is simple - heightened fitness, good healtrh - and sure, some more muscle please.

I was 148 pounds until recently - but I started calorie counting, and reduced my daily calorie allowance to an average of around 2,130 per day. I started to lose weight too quickly, so I've now increased it to 2,550 per day - but I want to start turning this around, and to stop losing weight soon.

Since I have been calorie counting with, for the first time, I can get a real idea of what percentages of macronutrients I am consuming. Searching through the Net, I find that I am probably under-consuming carbs.

For example - based on consumption for the past two weeks, I consumed daily:


Total: 2168

Fat: 62g 558 cals 27%
Sat: 16g 140 cals 7%
Poly: 16g 140 cals 7%
Mono: 18g 164 cals 8%

Carbs: 294g 1008 cals 48%
Fiber: 42g 0 cals 0%

Protein: 129g 516 25%

Alcohol: 0 0 cals 0%

Could you advise me where I should be heading for a better nutrition. Can you point me in the direction of what sort of balance that I should be aiming for?

Many thanks again.
Thats one of the best balances Ive seen, especially your fat ratios. Are you saying you're going to go into a muscle gain phase?
Yes, I think that the time is right to work at gaining muscle again - only this time, I want to do it better - so I'm going to continue tracking my cals and macros. However, I cannot get time to workout more than three sessions per week (at the most), and I'm not exactly youthful...

My thought after reading my own post, is that I should increase carbs a little. I don't eat much in the way of starch - porridge (oatmeal) and some wholemeal bread, but very little white potato, pasta, or rice. I think that I'll add some wholemeal pasta to my diet to boost up carbs a little.
I would increase protein intake. Make sure most of your carbs outside the training window are coming from vegetables and fruits.

I think its time you looked at an article in my log called Pre and Post workout nutrition. After that have a look at The Anti Bodybuilding Hypetrophy Plan. :)
Heres another on pwo nutrition, since we're on the topic :D