Getting tested. . .

So I went to my doctor a few weeks ago to get some blood work done. It was just a routine check up mainly to see if I was diabetic because it runs in the family. No big deal. And then my doctor asks me if I would like to have them test for anything else like STD's. I'm 99% sure I don't have a thing, but theres that 1% there that made me uneasy, so I said what the hell, go ahead and do it. I'm not going to get the test results back for a week so my mind is wandering. Throughout the week my mind reflects on possible situations and drunken nights where I could potentially have gotten something. What a nightmare of a week. I start to beat myself up about past experiences and think that I could almost surely have it.

So a week later, I go back to the doc and he runs down the list "Negative. . .Negative. . ." and then he says HIV and a 2 second pause. "Negative". Whew what a relief, and what a bastard of a doctor to leave me in limbo for those extra 2 seconds.

I never really thought that I could have it, but until I got tested, I never really thought about it as long and hard as I had after they had taken the blood.

Curious if anyone else has had this scary experience.

And if you haven't, GET TESTED! Even if you don't think you have it, get tested anyways. Seeing that test come back negative is just something good to know about yourself.
That was not cool of him to pause like that. Seriously. messed up.

I'm not sure exactly what all I've been tested for. I have 2 kids - and they test you for just about everything when pregnant. So that's comforting, just in case, you know?

I think it's smart you went ahead and got tested. I think more docs should routinely ask that when people have blood work done. Hell, I think it should be a requirement that they ask, for that matter.
Good for you for having the courage to get tested! I know some Doctor body here in the US said doctors should just go ahead and test for these things anyways because it's easier to treat when it's just getting started, rather than have someone in an advanced state of the disease. My last checkup, same thing I got tested, and they WON'T give you the results over the phone, and I swear, same two second pause at HIV. Must be a doctor thing.
Would you prefer 'em to do it quickly and say positive accidentally? They're probably just re-reading the results to be sure.
So a week later, I go back to the doc and he runs down the list "Negative. . .Negative. . ." and then he says HIV and a 2 second pause. "Negative". Whew what a relief, and what a bastard of a doctor to leave me in limbo for those extra 2 seconds.
What does he think this is. The Maury show?
You are... ... ...NOT the father!
You are HIV... ... ...NEGATIVE!
Yes, that was phyco-socially messed up. He may not have intended on purpose to cause you any anguish though.

Is it possible the result lines were close together and hard to read?

Sorry to hear about your anguish, but your all good, and this is what matters.

Glad to hear your results were good.

LOL. Yeah, and then I got all up in my girlfriends grill and said TOLD YOU! TOLD JOO! YA SKANK! ;)
