Getting started

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Hello Everyone!

My name is Kim Hinze, I am 25 and recently married (April 23rd). Anyways I am about 20 pounds overweight :( , I currently weigh 155 and would like to weight around 130-135. I don't know where to start, could someone offer advice on a good exercise program. I like to eat and hate to exercise but realized that I need to start doing something or my weight is going to get out of control. I also recently joined a gym, wanted to get a personal trainer but of course can't afford one at the time. Any advice would help. :)
Hi Kim! Glad you found us!!

There are so many diets out there, you can learn about the most popular ones and decide which is best for you. I believe however, that you need to find a way of eating that is the way youll always eat. I"m a big fan of the 1200 cal diet. It allows me enough cals that I dont' feel like i'm starving, and I can have chocolate occasionally, i just make sure I count the cals.

Whatever you decide to do, we will support you :)

As far as excersize is conserned, i'm a bad person to ask as I dont' care for it at all, lol. However, I do like to walk, so I get on my tredmill about twice a day and blast my fav. music. Excersizing isn't just about lifting weights and such, your fav. sport, tennis, football, swimming, count as excersize also.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!
Thanks for the advice!!

I am getting ready to go for a 30 min walk!

I will have to try the 1200 cal per day, as long as it doesn't leave me hungry I am good to go. I have also heard that eating 6 small meals a day is good as well, have you tried that?

Oh sure....I eat every 2 hrs. I have a 300 cal breakfast, 100 cal snack, 300 cal lunch, 100 cal snack, 300 cal dinner, 100 cal snack. you get the picture :)
hi kim. welcome. you could try to count your calories. i ve heard that you are supposed to eat 1200-1400 cal./ day to lose weight along with exercising. and yes, 'they' say that if you eat smaller meals throughout the day it keeps your metabolism up and it will help you lose. good luck on your journey. i've found a lot of support here, i think you'll enjoy it.
I have to agree with newbride. There are alot of programs out there. You just need to take some time to sit down and read about what your options are.

I would have to say I do think exercise is important. However, it does not have to be a chore. You can make it into something you enjoy doing. You just have to find ways to become active.
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