Weight-Loss Getting started and I have a few questions...



New member
Hey guys- I'm new and yes, I want to pick your brains and get some advice. I plan on having 2009 be my year. I want to eat well and lose weight (on top of many visits to the gym) and right now from what I have already read I am thinking 4 small meals a day, mainly one item meals etc but I have a few questions. First of, Carbs. I want to get my appetite down for the first few days- would it be wise to eat basically no carbs and high protein for a few days to get my appetite down? After that what sort of relationship should I/my daily diet have with carbs? I don't want to cut them out completely but right now I definitely take in WAY too many unneeded carbs. Also simple and complex carbs are still confusing me a bit: it seems I should be on the look out for them equally!

would something like 30% fat(and mainly which ones is another question!) 50% protein and 20% carbs (and again, which ones!) be a good starting point for me? please help! Thankya folks!
ok i cant answer each question you have... but as far as carbs are concerned i've always been told that complex is the way to go, and to only consume simple carbs right after an intense cardio or weight training session (this is so your muscles are fed right away and they dont catabolize) Simple carbs are released into your system much faster and can aid when you need somthing quickly, but this means only having somthing small, from what i understand. You dont want to destroy all of your work by eating half a cake after an intense workout. I take in my carbs in the morning..so im sure to burn them off throughout the day and i consume lots of protein, lots of leafy veggies, and a little fat for the rest of the day.