Getting past a running barrier?

Hello! I have been running for a few months now but I feel like I've basically hit a brick wall! Basically I have been running about 3-4 times a week but I find that every time I hit the 1.5-2 mile mark, I just start to break down and have to stop. It's usually 1 of 3 things that cause me to stop, either my calves start to get overly sore and just stop moving, I start to get too winded, or I start to feel overheated (it's been 100+ and 70+% humidity lately so I know that isn't helping at all lol, but unfortunately I can't control the weather!). Usually it's the heat or soreness. I've tried pushing through it a few times but I just start to feel like I'm going to die lol. I really haven't been able to increase my distance or pace at all in the past 2 or so months. My current goal is just to be able to run a 5k at a decent pace without completely wearing myself out.

So does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to get past this barrier? I've tried a few different things such as running intervals, going at different paces, and running up/down inclines, but none of those seemed to really have much of an impact. Still every time at about the 15 minute mark I'm done for! I also do a few other cardio exercises such as cycling and ellipticals, but I don't have any problems at all with those.

Also, every time I run my calves are really sore for 2-3 days. I don't notice it normally, but if I try to run again during that period every step feels like I'm getting stabbed in the leg lol. Does anyone have any tips to prevent this? I've tried doing stretches before/after but it doesn't seem to have any impact on soreness.
I'm not sure how much this could help, but whenever I hit a wall it's normally from lack of nutrients. I've found that when I eat shot bloks, the Walls are significantly reduced. I used to think the Walls were from temperature or asthma so I was very surprised when the energy supplements just about cured them. As for the calf pain, maybe you could try rolling them out. I've only rolled my muscles out once because it's uncomfortable for me, but it made a world of a difference. Good luck!
Maybe you simply gotta push through it (mentally, physically)? Running ain't easy no doubt about it, or everybody would be doing it. Some days when I begin a run my calves/shins may hurt a bit at first but I know in a mile or two they get "warmed up" and any discomfort goes away. The body will adapt to pretty much what you demand of it (think: Chris Farley, Star Jones, Lance Armstrong, Shalane Flanagan). As far as the heat, your core temperature always elevates during endurance events but you just get better at that heat exchanging thing.
100+ degrees is in the danger zone. I would start running early in the morning or late in the evening. You should also be stretching AFTER every workout. There's a good chance your calves and hamstrings are tight which puts you at risk for injury. If you Google "running stretches" you should easily find a good routine. Finally, I would Google "10k training plans" and pick up at the 2 mile phase. If you still can't break the barrier, try walking for five minutes once you're spent then try to squeeze out another quarter or half mile. Its the mileage past the 25 minute mark that will really build your endurance. You may also be running too fast and pushing yourself to oxygen deficit. Heart rate monitors can be picked up for cheap these days. Consider choosing one with zone alarms and using it to keep your heart rate at 70-80% of its max BPM to avoid overexertion. Happy running.
I would like to share my story with you. My story is little different from you. But i believe that you would find out the answer that you are looking for. When i started running i feel so bad. I even could not run more than 2 or 3 minutes. I felt like my whole body is burning. But that situation did not continue for too long. What i have discovered that it's all about scheduled routine and that' make the real difference. I would like to share with you.

Initially i also faced the same situation as you are facing right now. I also tried it in all sorts of way and found no result. I tried to lessen my speed but could not find out any difference.

After that i made a plan for myself and i was very rigid regarding my plan. I decide i would run at least 5 minutes for 2 week. I did that and i felt better. After 2 week later i did restructure my schedule into an advanced level. Now i can run more than 30 minutes without feeling bad or heavy. I used to drink lots of water and still it is going on.

All i want to suggest you that you need to make such a structure for yourself that best suit you. Don't put extra pressure on your body right now. Maintain it by any cost. No matter how hard it feel. It would not be so hard as you think. Try to improve your daily routine time to time. Your this type of problem would erode away.
I would like to share my story with you. My story is little different from you. But i believe that you would find out the answer that you are looking for. When i started running i feel so bad. I even could not run more than 2 or 3 minutes. I felt like my whole body is burning. But that situation did not continue for too long. What i have discovered that it's all about scheduled routine and that' make the real difference. I would like to share with you.

Initially i also faced the same situation as you are facing right now. I also tried it in all sorts of way and found no result. I tried to lessen my speed but could not find out any difference.

After that i made a plan for myself and i was very rigid regarding my plan. I decide i would run at least 5 minutes for 2 week. I did that and i felt better. After 2 week later i did restructure my schedule into an advanced level. Now i can run more than 30 minutes without feeling bad or heavy. I used to drink lots of water and still it is going on.

All i want to suggest you that you need to make such a structure for yourself that best suit you. Don't put extra pressure on your body right now. Maintain it by any cost. No matter how hard it feel. It would not be so hard as you think. Try to improve your daily routine time to time. Your this type of problem would erode away.