Getting into modeling shape again?


New member
Unfortunately, I've let myself get severely out of shape. Not good at all. My agent agrees. I really don't want to get dropped and so I need to get back into 34-24-34 shape as fast as possible. So far I've been eating 1200 - 1400 calories a day and doing 1 hour of cardio a day. Usually 1/2 an hour of powerwalk/jogging intervals and 1/2 an hour of HILT. Is there anything else I can do? Is it even possible to get those measurements back in 2 months?

My Stats:
Height: 5' 7.5"
Weight: 155
Measurements: 36-28-39 (eck, horrible, I know)

Do I need to incorporate strength training also? I usually just do about 15 minutes of crunches, side crunches, leg lifts, etc about 3 times a week.

Thanks so much in advance.
I would do a lot of strength training so that as you lose the fat your body will look toned. It will also help you push yourself further with the cardio and burn more calories in general.

Good luck!