Getting gifts for co-workers


New member
I'm kind of in a weird situation. One of my co-workers who is a girl about my age has her birthday coming up. I want to get her a gift because I thin we get along pretty well. That's all I want it to be, just friends because it would be way too complicated and weird to date. She also has a BF. So what's a good gift? Something she could use at work? I know she was complaining about her mouse being a POS so I was thinking a new mouse but I think that's not very personal and generic.

Also my Birthday is like 2 weeks after hers so I don't want to blow it.

I should say she said she wanted a Coffee maker in the office but wasn't comfortable bringing one in. My idea was to buy her the mouse (which is needed for the computer we share, she uses about 80% to me 20% of the day) and have her buy me the coffee maker, because I would really like to have it here too. I think that's a win win.
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I'm not sure gifts for co-workers are appropriate unless you are indeed friends and by friends you've met with her outside of work. It could make for an uncomfortable workplace for others.

say happy birthday go to lunch and call it a day...

The company should replace her mouse if it is indeed a piece of crap.. and what's the company policy on appliances - a lot of companies say no to that...
We do have mini fridge. I think your right though. We have never done anything after work. Probably because we don't leave at the same time and she had a second job for a while.

I do feel like we are pretty good friends. She has said to me that she talks to me about things more than her BF. I thought that was odd.

I'd just feel like an idiot if she got something for me in like two weeks.