Hi everyone
First off im new to this forum so if this Message is in the wrong place i appologise but i looked the site over and this looked like the best place to put it
Ok so Im a 22 year old man from the united kingdom and im about to join the army
to join the army in the uk u need to have a certain lvl of fitness wich is the ability to run Aprox 1 mile in under 10 minutes
Now im Unfit there is no way around it im about as fit as the local pie eating contest champion, im also over weight but not terribly
Im 6ft 1 and im 16 stone i dont look over wieght but i think thats becouse of my hight never the less i am over weight
I read somwhere that to get fit its a good idea to do 20 mins cardio in the morning before eating wich i tried to do this morning when i woke up
So i set the timer on my mobile phone for 20 mins and setoff running round the block.
After going round about 4 times i was absolutly nackered i looked at my phone and ide only done 5 minutes so i slowed down to a walk for about 30 secs to get my breath back and started to jog again, i managed another 5 minutes before the aching in my back was just to much for me plus i couldent half feel my heart POUNDING! lol and i went back inside thinking to myself 10 minutes isent that bad for my first attempt?
5-10 minutes later however my back was fine and i felt like i hadent done anything except for the fact my chest feels a bit raw when i breath
ive decided to try again in a few hours wich will be like 4 hours after my first go, and ide like some advice about where i should go from here and what i can do better
i have to acheave my goal by the end of december begining of january and given my current lvl of fitness ide very much like to kno if this is achievable?
Please understand i have no illusions about getting super fit by then i just need to be able to pass my medical wich like i say is 1 mile in under 10 minutes also im not to bothered about losing wieght both of those things will come in my army training So any wieght i lose now is just a bonus to me
I want to make it clear that im not going to waste anyones time here i am determined and really do want to do this, so any advice/help that anyone can give me will be greatly apreceated and hopefully put to good use
Also eating mega healthy just isent an option for me at the moment there is only me and my mum and we arnt the most well off people in the world if u know what i mean so i just have to eat whats in front of my but i am doing my best to eat foods wich i think will be high in energy Like Cereal and fruit juice that sort of thing is that right?
Appologies for my Spelling/Grammer its not exactly one of my strong points lol!
First off im new to this forum so if this Message is in the wrong place i appologise but i looked the site over and this looked like the best place to put it
Ok so Im a 22 year old man from the united kingdom and im about to join the army
to join the army in the uk u need to have a certain lvl of fitness wich is the ability to run Aprox 1 mile in under 10 minutes
Now im Unfit there is no way around it im about as fit as the local pie eating contest champion, im also over weight but not terribly
Im 6ft 1 and im 16 stone i dont look over wieght but i think thats becouse of my hight never the less i am over weight
I read somwhere that to get fit its a good idea to do 20 mins cardio in the morning before eating wich i tried to do this morning when i woke up
So i set the timer on my mobile phone for 20 mins and setoff running round the block.
After going round about 4 times i was absolutly nackered i looked at my phone and ide only done 5 minutes so i slowed down to a walk for about 30 secs to get my breath back and started to jog again, i managed another 5 minutes before the aching in my back was just to much for me plus i couldent half feel my heart POUNDING! lol and i went back inside thinking to myself 10 minutes isent that bad for my first attempt?
5-10 minutes later however my back was fine and i felt like i hadent done anything except for the fact my chest feels a bit raw when i breath
ive decided to try again in a few hours wich will be like 4 hours after my first go, and ide like some advice about where i should go from here and what i can do better
i have to acheave my goal by the end of december begining of january and given my current lvl of fitness ide very much like to kno if this is achievable?
Please understand i have no illusions about getting super fit by then i just need to be able to pass my medical wich like i say is 1 mile in under 10 minutes also im not to bothered about losing wieght both of those things will come in my army training So any wieght i lose now is just a bonus to me
I want to make it clear that im not going to waste anyones time here i am determined and really do want to do this, so any advice/help that anyone can give me will be greatly apreceated and hopefully put to good use
Also eating mega healthy just isent an option for me at the moment there is only me and my mum and we arnt the most well off people in the world if u know what i mean so i just have to eat whats in front of my but i am doing my best to eat foods wich i think will be high in energy Like Cereal and fruit juice that sort of thing is that right?
Appologies for my Spelling/Grammer its not exactly one of my strong points lol!