Getting fit for football season w/ patella tendonitis?

Hey all (prepare yourselves for a read =] )

Ok, so basically, through the 2nd half this year's football season (Australian Rules), ive copped some soreness in my right knee. Went to the physio, blah blah, you've got onset patella tendonitis. Thinking back now, I did probably over do it at some stages, which has obviously caused the inflammation.

Now season ended in september, i took a few weeks off and went back to the physio. She has said to continue some light running to keep some strength, etc in my legs and do some leg curls to help with quad strength. As well as stretches.
Its now mid-november, and i've stepped up running a little bit (2-3, sometimes 4 p/week). Ive stopped leg curls and do light deadlifts instead on back days. I do get some soreness from the running, though nothing like it was.
Last night i got a call from my coach that pre-season starts tomorrow night. Now im not worried for the next month as training wont be too full on, but after new years we'll be getting into some hard sprinting training, etc. Especially worried about the hard surfaces we're training on, as the heat down here in Australia really drys out everything (grass ovals turn to concrete)

Basically, just want to know, a way(s) that i can effectively get fit and ready for football season, while trying to rid myself of tendonitis?

Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated!
I have read several stories on Crossfits website of people who have had knee problems their whole life, and after some time on the program their knees were in better condition that before. Now I have not had any experience myself with bad knees, but the premise of Crossfit is full body movements and functional strength.

Overall things like squats and deadlifts, when done with correct form will build the muscles around the knee to help support it. Leg curls and extensions on machines are not very good for your knees because of the extra stress they put on the joint itself. I would try starting with those basic lifts and seeing what kind of benefits you see.