Getting fed up with not being able to lose weight


New member
Hello, my name is Tori. I am 17, 5'3'" and weigh about 235lbs. I am so tired of not losing a single pound and all I do is gain and gain. I have tried diet after diet and I work out plenty. I ride and train my own horses plus work as a stable hand and exercise horses there as well. I know people continuously tell me my weight is fine and I don't look bad, but I can't ride comfortably. The horse that I've had since I was 12 can't be ridden by anyone over 150lbs. I am tired of feeling like my animals are uncomfortable because of my weight. So that's my ramble. And hey I guess.
Hey - you're doing the right thing by seeking some support. How have your previous diets gone? If you calories are good and your exercise is right then you will lose weight - have you been to your doctor to see if there is a medical condition preventing you from losing? Simple logic dictates that you would have to be losing weight if you were following a diet - it's calories in vs calories out.
Usually I can diet pretty well with no problems but I rarely actually lose any weight on them. Some, I can't even physically function on them. I'm so exhausted I have no will to get up in the morning. And yes, I've been to the doctor and I'm perfectly healthy just have a lot of extra body fat.
Don't get discouraged you've come to the right place. Have you thought about starting a diary ?It can help a lot and the people here are very helpful. When you went to the doctor did you tell them that you are trying to lose weight? They could help you get started. Good luck!
I feel like I would forget to keep up with my diary. I used to use an app that helped you log meals and I constantly neglected to log meals despite the reminders. And yes, I told them that I was trying to lose weight and they just give me the stereotypical "well you have to diet and exercise"