Weight-Loss Getting dizzy while hungry?



New member
Hello all,

This is my first post and I hope its in the right forum... Anyways, great site!

I will start out I'm a 23 y/old male.

I am noticing that I have been getting a little belly to me for the last 6 months or so. I contribute much of this to my eating and lack of exercise. However, this is not the direct issue I am here to explain.

The real issue is that if I go without eating for several hours (4-5), I sometimes become very light headed, dizzy and crabby. I literally HAVE to eat SOON or I will continue to feel like I'm going to faint.

Does anyone know what the heck is going on? I'm no health professional by any means but I do want to loose some weight however, how can I do that when I need to eat every 4-5 hours?!?!

I wish I could just curb my hunger some how...

Please help me!
Hello Brad,
I just read you post about feeling dizzy when you haven't eaten anything for several hours. I am not a doctor either, but I could imagine that you simply eat wrong things and maybe a wrong amount as well. I have heard that you should eat three times a day and for these meals you should eat different balanced food. So that your body gets all the substances it needs to keep you in a good condition for the next hours. So what and when do you usually eat a day?
total calories during the day are what will contribute to weight loss -NOT starving yourself to the point where you are dizzy -

Get an account at and keep track of your daily calories.>> READ the stickied threads around the forum to figure out a good calorie range for you to be in - I will bet it's higher than you think...

and for god's sake -eat something... food is not the enemy -
Do you drink enough water? You could easily be dehydrated. Also, starving your body will not get rid of its reserves if it thinks it is not going to get enough food during the day. Have a healthy snack if you are feeling hungry!

Does 4-5 hours seem like a really long time to go between eating? To me that seems about right: 7AM breakfast, 12PM lunch, 5PM dinner. What do you normally have for meals?

Wow thank you all for your quick replies!

OK, well, I literrally eat just about anything through out a typical day. I work overnights so my schedule is all messed up but basically I eat 4 times or so a day. I eat alot of TV dinners :rolleyes: but it just seems like I will be full, and then 4 hours later I'm hungry again! I know I have a fast metabolism and always have but gosh darn it this is getting old... Its like I need to stuff myself just to make it for another 4 hours or so...

I will start ball parking my calorie intake each day and get back to you all. Would a vitamin help with achiving my daily needed vitamins and minerals and would that help with me feeling dizzy and light headed when hungry?

How much of each food catagorie is someone supposed to eat from? Or, how much calories should someone have each day? I'm 5 11 175lb now..
Hello Brad,
you should really try to eat regulary like on of the guys said before. At least try, because then your body will get used to it. And try not to eat too late. We all know that TV dinners are great, but this is not healthy at all. You shouldn't go to bed with a full gastric. And look what you eat. Unfortunately I don't know how many calories a guy of your size and weight should eat a day, but I hope someone else could answer this question!
If it continues even after you take in the suggestions here, you might want to check with your dr. Could be your blood sugar levels are off.
So what happened? Did you go to a doctor. What did he say? Or don't you have the feeling of dizziness anymore after you have eaten something? Maybe it was just a consequence because you weren't very fit during that time. Well, hopefully you don't have this problem anymore!