Sport Getting around food avoidances....

Sport Fitness
I eat pretty well, my biggest thing is with most veggies I just avoid them mostly, how can I get around this problem to add in more variety?
Try and find some that you can like or at least handle eating, maybe a way to prepare them so they are tolerable. It can be pretty tough if you hate them though.

I hate vegetables, I eat mine every day by choking them back whether I like them or not. But I am eating to live not the other way around, it's a tough concept to wrap the head around especially in our decadent type culture here.
A good way to get in some vegetables, especially a variety of vegetables, is to cook them stir fry. A little soy, some oyster sauce, some teryaki maybe sesame oil and you're good to go. I can eat even my most hated vegetables if they are stir fried. DELICIOUS.
well do you avoid veggies cuz you dislike the flavor? texture?

or just because you don't know how to prepare them? (steamed carrots\broccoli does get old quickly)

stir fry is one way to do it.
i also like to toss some diced oniones and minced bell pepper into my morning eggs.

side salads.


just avoid sauces/glazes as they add a lotta salt and sugar..and sometimes bad fats.
There are a lot of different vegetables out there. Surely there are some that you would like. Which ones do you dislike?
It would help to know which ones you are particularly avoiding. There are some really flavorful ways to prepare veggies. Spice sprinkles after steaming add no calories or fat and add immensely to the flavor. Check Penzey's (dot) com. I really like their "Sandwich Sprinkle" on just about anything, it's got a bunch of garlic and chives and adds flavor. You have to watch it, though, it also has a bit of salt in it. I like their "Tuscan Sunrise" on grilled tomatoes. You like french fries ? Take sweet potatoes and make french fries from them, dredge them in just a bit of olive oil, sprinkle with some ground pepper, a little cayenne and bake them and you'll never eat white potato fries again. How about mashed potatoes, steam a head of cauliflower and mash it, add a little I can't believe it's not butter spray, and sprinkle with a touch of ground chipotle pepper and it's hard to tell the difference, even without the chipotle. I just really happen to love peppers and I put them on just about everything.

There are some wonderful ways to prepare veggies and after you learn a few of them, meat almost becomes a second thought, and this is from a guy that thinks a pound and a half ribeye, is the ultimate meal along with all the trimmings.
The biggest thing is the texture. It's the crunch, If I'm eating a sub and take a bite and it crunches I shudder.

Salads are a no go. So far the best I've heard is just work slow, going from just getting it in my mouth, to a chew and just no matter if spit it out of not to just more like force myself to like them in small steps.
Boil some yams carrots potatoes and rudabegga. Then mash the hell out of them. Texture is pretty much mashed potatoes but it tastes good and gets you a variety vegetables. Not fibrous ones mind you...
I'm usually good on fiber with whole wheat bread, pastas, and rice. It's just getting annoying when eating anywhere to be like "without this, please"
Try steaming your vegetables. The nice thing about steaming is a.) it's easy to do b.) you can cook the veggies to any stage of doneness you want, from crunchy to fall apart mush. Try adding sprinkles of spice blends and or a spritz of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray after the veggies are done. It adds an enhancement of flavor and no calories.