Get a bigger toned butt? stretch mark problem

Hello, i'm a 15 yr old girl. My butt is rather small and it has stretch marks on it. Which kind of bugs me. I'd really like to fill my jeans up a bit more and also get rid of the stretch marks developing on my inner thighs.

So one question is, are there any creams or things to do that ACTUALLY work on removing stretch marks? And do you know this from your own experience?

Then my other question is, how can I get a bigger toned butt? I am somewhat asian so it may be difficult but I'd like to get started before the summertime.

I'm also trying to diet as well, i eat fast food a lot and it's not doing my arteries well for when I run I can't last at least 30 seconds without feeling as if I'm going to die!

So any advice and work out tips (would be great if they were from your own personal experience) would be appreciated. Thanks!
Stretchmarks - I have no idea, sorry

Bigger butt - ATG squats, get your bum right down low and push back up; your butt will be big and strong in no time

The whole junk food thing is probably going to work against you though, you can still make gains with the odd cheat meal but cut right down
are your stretch marks from gaining weight fast, or losing weight?

either way start keeping your skin moister by drinking more water and using lotion daily.

I had stretch marks to get rid of from losing weight, and my 15 yr old daughter has them due to a growing spurt and not taking care of her young skin.

she has been using, and me too, this scar creme, but it is expensive.