Sport George Foreman? How Healthy is it?

Sport Fitness
Hi all.

Anyone use a George Foreman health grill?

This little baby saved me when we were having a new kitchen, it was the only thing we had working along with a microwave.

I cook all my meat and salmon on, so want to know how much healthier it makes food?

For example, i bought some Beef fillets from a supermarket, less than 2% fat before i started. I cooked one on George and it was ok of a little dry.

The drip tray had a lot of liquid in it, but it looked more like water than fat. When ive cooked sausages on it (mostly pre health regime days) the tray was full of cr@p that quickly solidifies - undoubtedly run off fat.

All the chicken, turkey, and salmon ive cooked on it only gives off a small amount of thin liquid, so is it more a matter of quality meat than a great new method of cooking?

consider, most people get a foreman because they don't have a real outdoor grill, and thus its a huge step up from pan frying steak, chicken, and sausages.

a little fat runs off, so you get less fat in your meat, thus the health benefit.
less benefit from chicken breast since its so lean to begin with. more benefit from steaks and beef.

quit eating sausage.
hey hey i did that a long time ago. the sight of what ran out of them put the nail in the coffin. i did have a couple a fortnight ago but they were premium meat and a one off cheat.
Someone once said that Consumer Reports did a little study or whatever and found that these grills didn't really cut so much fat as thought. But frankly I say "who cares" because it's quick and easy when time is short. :)
exactly, its more about convenience than health. and you're cutting fat by grillin yer own burgers than stopping thru McDonals...for sure.
First i'd like to say, I am a George Foreman Grill owner...i have the big one..the one that holds up to 6-8 burgers.

This grill is the same as any other grill, when cooking at a regular grill..fat falls onto the burns the fat away. With the foreman grill..the fat slides there's no difference at all. Either way, if you grill, the fat will fall between the metals of the grill.

The food still ends up the same, burgers aren't less juicy or ne thing..they taste the same as regular grilled burgers. Plus it cuts down the cooking time..since it grills both sides of the burger at the same exact time. so it cuts your time in half. N u dont have to fire up a grill, u dont have to buy charcoal n lighter fluid..just plug it in. Its as good as a regular grill.

Personally, I like it a lot. You can cook indoors or outdoors..n its not as messy as a regular grill. Plus, the quality of the food is like a regular grill.
KrisKros said:
First i'd like to say, I am a George Foreman Grill owner...i have the big one..the one that holds up to 6-8 burgers.

This grill is the same as any other grill, when cooking at a regular grill..fat falls onto the burns the fat away. With the foreman grill..the fat slides there's no difference at all. Either way, if you grill, the fat will fall between the metals of the grill.

The food still ends up the same, burgers aren't less juicy or ne thing..they taste the same as regular grilled burgers. Plus it cuts down the cooking time..since it grills both sides of the burger at the same exact time. so it cuts your time in half. N u dont have to fire up a grill, u dont have to buy charcoal n lighter fluid..just plug it in. Its as good as a regular grill.

Personally, I like it a lot. You can cook indoors or outdoors..n its not as messy as a regular grill. Plus, the quality of the food is like a regular grill.

I grill out ALOT for the family and have a GFG as well. But, I am yet to get a patty on a GFG come half way close to being as juicy as a regular grills and hence my wife hates it. The only way is to not shut the top and flip the burgers. The weight of the lid does in fact 'squeeze' out more juices creating a dryer (probably more healthier) burger. But heck, if I am going to cook a burger instead of chicken, give me the juices!! :D
I dont even use the stove anymore! Its great for turkey burgers and time savings.