Sport General Health Question

Sport Fitness
I'm a 32 year old man. I've been lifting weights since I was 12 and as an adult I also got into cardio fitness. I lift 4 days a week, use an elliptical for an hour a day at least 5 days a week (often 7) and when the weather is good I cycle once or twice a week. I'm 6'1 210 and pretty lean. I estimate my bodyfat % around 10. I don't have razor cut abs, but you can make out a "six-pack"

The point is I'm happy with my physique and I'm not worried about how to get leaner or lose weight. I'm the kind of person who, due to my activity level and maybe genetics can eat pretty much anything I want and keep an athletic physique (in fact I have to eat an astounding amount of food to most people to not waste away)

I try to watch some things. I limit sugar and try to avoid trans fats and over-processed foods, but I eat red meat, pasta, whole milk, potatoes (things a lot of people consider "bad")

My question is: Am I doing a disservice to my overall health eating this way if I am still physically fit? My blood pressure and bloodwork are good.

What do you think?
if your bloodwork is good and you feel ok, then I wouldn't sweat it too hard.

just live by the motto of 'all things in moderation'.