Gauranteed way to raise your heart rate...

Two words.


Geesh. Sometimes I wish I lived close enough to a town to run on a nice, safe treadmill in a nice, safe gym...

Where you from, are you like a mailman? And the residents have uncontrolable
pets? Oh yea a snake wrapped around my testicles once. once. That raised my heartrate..
'Where you from, are you like a mailman? And the residents have uncontrolable pets?'

Ummm no......
Inland Australia....
Snakes are free range round here....and deadly...
Snakes are free range everywhere (except Antarctica and the Arctic Circle). And, many are deadly.

I will give you this one: you have the deadliest venom in a snake... The Crate snake. But, it is a sea snake.

You want deadly dude, move to the Western Asia. Vipers and King Cobras. Or, Africa... Black Mamba is one nasty reptile!

Shoot, we got a deadly lizard here in the states... Gila (pronounced Heal-ah) Monster. Kills you with his crap.


oookkaaayyy...Never mind.

Was just trying to put something lighthearted up....
You try running within a foot of a tiger snake and then tell me you don't get a fright cos, hey, at least your not in Western Aisa.
Here in England we have adders!!!! Beat that. If one of them bites you you'd know about it. Hurts almost as much as a wasp sting. AND THEY HURT!!!!!

You guys in your hot countrys. you dont know how easy you got it.

black mamba! Black shmamba.
Oh a tiger snake. I thought you meant a tigers and snakes. I saw a dog run after me during my jog. I ran on top of some straggers car. I was scared. I remember hearing the bark. I look back and this animal is after me. I cant imagine a poisonous snake. I put myself in survivor mode... I ran yelling, help me. When I got on top of the car, the dog was barking and growling at me. Then I start to look at it. It was a medium size, shabby looking dog. I thought to myself I could hurt this dog. so I threw my shoe at its face. And it ran away. Now that increased my heartrate.
jjermzz said:
Oh a tiger snake. I thought you meant a tigers and snakes. I saw a dog run after me during my jog. I ran on top of some straggers car. I was scared. I remember hearing the bark. I look back and this animal is after me. I cant imagine a poisonous snake. I put myself in survivor mode... I ran yelling, help me. When I got on top of the car, the dog was barking and growling at me. Then I start to look at it. It was a medium size, shabby looking dog. I thought to myself I could hurt this dog. so I threw my shoe at its face. And it ran away. Now that increased my heartrate.
ROFL... Funny story.
RiffRaff said:
oookkaaayyy...Never mind.

Was just trying to put something lighthearted up....
You try running within a foot of a tiger snake and then tell me you don't get a fright cos, hey, at least your not in Western Aisa.

I dig
RiffRaff said:
oookkaaayyy...Never mind.

Was just trying to put something lighthearted up....
You try running within a foot of a tiger snake and then tell me you don't get a fright cos, hey, at least your not in Western Aisa.


Crap, it wouldn't have to be poisonous. I"m not scared of snakes, but I'd still run from one. And if a SPIDER was chasing me? I don't care who you are, I'd run faster than you.
ive had never seen a snake before until my 8th grade. i was at this hill station in Matheran walking through the area with my bro, exploring the unexplored. we reached this hotel completely isolated and dilapidated between all this jungle. we entered this room to spot a long green slimy looking thing lying against a wall.

now all Ive heard about snakes is that they are poisonous and they tend to bite anything that comes in their way.

this was a metre long and it slided off with such swiftness, i was so scared by it i ran for nearly half a mile just to ensure that the snake was nowhere in distance.

that makes me laugh now cos that snake was probably a frog/rat eating one and was just as scared of us!!!
down here in the south we wrastle them snakes. ;)