Sport Gatorade?

Sport Fitness
I've searched around and got mixed views on these types of drinks. On my work out days (m/w/f) I drink about 100oz of water, 20oz of them being from gatorade (one bottle). So I'm wondering if there is anything wrong with that? - I have class after my work out so that bit of sugar really helps out in getting back some energy and power, something water could never do.
some ppl mostly go for the powered gatorade over the liquid. something with the ingredients, hopefully someone who knows more can chime in :)
all i know is, gatorade has electrolytes, so it hydrates you better. my coach told me, its better to drink gatorade in the middle of an activity ( iuno if you get cramps from it, cause i drank water always anyway...which when i chugged too much too fast gave me one of those cramps that have never ever bothered me :eek: )
The bad thing about gatorade is sugar and sodium (electrolytes). Is gatorade bad? Naw its acutally good for workouts. I wouldn't drink it all day. The way your using it though is good though.
Hmmm...the bad thing about gatorade is the sugar....the GOOD thing about it is the electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc).

If you sweat too much and don't replace those electrolytes, performance will suffer, you'll get abdominal cramps, and in extreme cases you can die (a fraternity is under investigation for a 'water hazing' incident, where they forced a guy to drink gallons upon gallons of water, to the point his body shutdown due to lack of electrolytes...and he died)
Its not good if you watch your sodium intake. Many people drink gatorade as a substitute for water, hence my "bad comment" about the sodium. I also state in my post that the way he was using it was GOOD.
Actually, during and post-workout, the sugar is a good thing to spike the insulin levels. However, as someone mentioned the bottled gatorade has high fructose corn syrup and that is definately not a good thing. The body does not recognize what it is and immediately stores it as fat.

The powdered gatorade does not contain this and thus is more superior to bottled gatorade, sure it's not as sweet, but it's better for you.
Here's what works for me... I drink about a gallon of water a day, during my workout I sip some water and about halfway through I take a couple of swallows of gatorade.
evolution said:
However, as someone mentioned the bottled gatorade has high fructose corn syrup and that is definately not a good thing. The body does not recognize what it is and immediately stores it as fat.
thats it, i didnt know for sure :)