Weight-Loss Gatorade: Do or Don't?



New member
Hey, I'm just curious to hear your thoughts on Gatorade. I know water is always the best to drink, but I'm wondering if Gatorade has any worthwhile benefits. Or is it just empty calories?
Here are it's stats:
Serving size: 8 fl oz
Servings per container: 4
Calories: 50
Total Fat : 0
Sodium: 100
Potassium: 110
Carbohydrate: 14
Sugars: 14
Protein: 0
For me its beneficial to use in place of something that is higher in calories, like soda.
Depends on how you're using it. If you're doing a long, intense cardio session it's actually good to replace your glycogen stores with a quick release carb immeadiately. Gatorade is an ok choice. One that I actually recommend over gatorade is Accelerade. It can be bought in a liquid, or in a powder to make yourself from GNC.

BUt if you're not drinking it post workout, I do think that's it's just empty sugar calories.

Drinking Gatorade (or any other sport drink for that matter) prior to/during work outs is quite beneficial - especially if you're doing a cardio workout where you would sweat the most. Gatorade is filled with tons of electrolytes that can't be found in water and the potassium is an extra plus. I prefer Gatorade over water on days when I would be going outside when it's warm. The calories are definately not empty - your body needs that energy to reach its maximum fat-burning potential. So drink up!
I agree with Sarah, unless you're doing an intense workout, 45 -60 min. or more, stick with water. You don't really need the extra calories. Make sure that whatever energy drink you DO have when needed contains at least 5% of carbs but no more than 10% or they might cause you to cramp, have nausea, diarrhea etc.
Hi! Just wanted to add a quick opinion about sports drinks ... They are highly erosive and as a dentist, I 've seen many people who have developed severe dental erosion, dental caries and tooth sensitivity from these drinks. Moderation is probably the best way to go and it is best to have it all in one go than having frequent sips of the stuff. Frequent sips just keep the oral environment acidic and with the sugars present, makes a perfect environment for development of tooth decay. I myself have problems dealing with this as I love diet sodas and couldn't do without diet coke so I too am trying to cut down. Wish I could love drinking water! Cheers!