Sport Gaining weight tips/advice?

Sport Fitness
My 17 year old son is a High School QB [senior], he is 6' 150 lbs right now and I wish to have him come up to as close to 200 lbs as he can by the end of June next year when he will be attending Football camps at the Colleges of his choice. I will start him on the bulking up routine from January 1st, 2006, reason being, Football season will be finished by the end of November [next month] and I want to give him the month of December to rest and recuperate before going all out on a mass building routine lifting the heavier weights for the next 6 months until the end of June.

1]I have been told that he will need to take a protein shake both before and after the weightlifting session and that he will need to consume 3500 calories above his regular dialy requirements, is this all true?

2]I will get him the weight gain formula to make his protein shakes but I don't know how he will be able to take it before and after workouts "in school" when he will be working out with the Football team, meaning, it's not like he will have a Fridge at school where he can make the shakes at home and take it to school keeping it cold, any ideas or effective alternatives please? Thanks.
Well 3500 Kcalories is good, but a protein supplement is exactly that, a supplement. Which is only needed if you're not making your daily quota for protein(about 1gram/lb of lean mass, or body weight). Either way some type of protein with simple carbohydrates should be consumer after every workout session, a 2:1, 3:1, or even 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein is good (around 30-40 grams of protein).. The ratio changes depending on how concerned you are with watching calories, since his desire is to gain weight 3:1 or 4:1 would be best. He needs a constant suply of calories, especially protein. So a meal every 3 hours is good, with a protein source in each meal. If you're really serious about gaining, I find that waking up exactly in the middle of my sleeping session and having 2 glasses of milk does wonders. And the weight gainers are good, but again just supplements, if you can't make your 3500 quota.

BTW, I don't know if 50lbs of muscle in 6 months is exactly possible.. You would be amazed what 20lbs of muscle looks like.
some general weight gain tips;f=1;t=000022

1) a protein shake both before and after training is an option, it can also be solid food. depends on many factors like timing, digestibilty, convience, etc. how many calories is he eating now? its better to start off this number first and to add to it

2) an option is just to add the powder inside a shaker cup and then add the liquid when needed. of course, water will be easier than say milk in his situation.

Appreciate the info, I am not sure I can keep track of the amount of calories he will be consuming per day when he is in school and I don't honestly think that I can get him to remember to do this so I think it may better here if I just come up with a list of foods that is high in calories , protein and Carbs and have him choose from that list also having him take at least 2 weight gain shakes per day, what do you all think, can this work?
"Can this work."

Honestly? I doubt it. At least not that extreme. 50 pounds in 6 months is a very steep goal- and by gaining that much that quickly he may lose some of his athletic ability and actually weaken himself. I wouldn't expect or even aim that high. If he's playing football bulking out and gaining weight isn't the only goal.. its doing that while staying flexible and keeping his endurance/cardio level (VO2) high.

Though I'm sure with the advice given he will be able to gain weight, strength and improve his atheleticism. I just don't think 50 pounds in 6 months would be optimal. A good lean 20 pounds of muscle would be quite an achievement.
Well, the idea here is for him to come to as "close" to 200 but if he can make 175 or so, that's good. Sorry I did not mention that he will be doing track during the winter and spring seasons so yes, I have taken into into account the aspects of cardio/strength/speed/endurance. He will specifically doing short term speed training [40 yards] so there will not be too much undurance training to take away from his weight gaining plan, appreciate the info and advice, thanks. If he can't make use of the protein/weight gain shakes in school, what good alternatives are there?
Google up on joe defranco. The guy is a very knowledgeable and experienced coach. I'd recommend his Westside for Skinny Bastards.
Done, thanks.