Gaining weight after surgery?


New member
Hey all, I recently had breast surgery and Had a lot of complications, but I'm happy to say I am now healthy and possibly able to start exercising again. ANYWAY
I had a test come back with Atypical cells, at my age (20) this is not a good sign, I had a milk duct and the surrounding tissue removed. shorty after the incision opened and I actually had to pack it with gauze for a few weeks, then I got an abscess behind the internal stitches. So I've had a very painful few weeks, I gained about 7-10 pounds since the surgery, I don't know if it was stress or what, I actually ate a lot less then I normally would have. Anyone else have this experience? I want to get back into working out but i'm still just SO tired, It's been a month since my surgery.

I'm happy to be back on here :)
I'm afraid I won't be any more useful than a google search.

The only thing that comes to mind is, either stress, water retention (Sodium intake contributes to it, so try checking the sodium amount on foods), or the lower activity level.

However, I don't think that #1 and #3 could make you gain 7 (or 10) pounds, specially if you are eating less. I couldn't know... I would be making guesses or assumptions here.

Sorry to hear about all the complications, I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself. :)