Gaining Muscle Tips

From what I have been reading about alot of the guys on here and their training,
many of you overtrain massively or rely solely on supplements instead of a good diet involving good sources of protein and carbohydrates.

For gaining lean muscle mass
-go to the gym maximum of 3-4 times a week
-the amount of cardio depends on your aims-if your aiming for pure strength and are not worried about looking 'ripped' then less cardio may suit you.
If like me you play sports such as rugby then your going to want to be doing cardio 2 or 3 times a week on top of your sports training.
-have rest days and stick to them
-ensure a good source of protein-tuna, red meat
-if your going to snack, snack on something full of energy such as nuts
-ensure good carbohydrates-wholegrain pasta is great

Poor diet and overtraining are often what causes such slow results.
Just by sorting these things out you should hopefully see a big difference.
Hope this helps
Do you have specific individuals in mind? How are they to know who you are referring too without specifics listed?
*You can go to gym six or seven days per week, and should, depending upon what you do there.
*Cardio should be done 3-5 times per week for HEALTH.
*Regular consumption of red meat is not consistent with good health.
*Define "full of energy"? A Snickers bar is "full of energy". :p
*Whole grain pasta is good, vegetables are even better.
i agree you have to listen to your body, like some of my mates train 4 times a week and that works for them, but im training (mainly cardio) 6 times a week and im one of (if not the) leanest and most muscular people in my GCSE PE set (top set)
OMG, the OP has it all nailed down ! End of thread. Remember people, every BODY is different and responds differently. Listening to your body is the key to success, thats why spontaneous workouts are the way to roll !!! 83
OMG, the OP has it all nailed down ! End of thread. Remember people, every BODY is different and responds differently. Listening to your body is the key to success, thats why spontaneous workouts are the way to roll !!! 83

Hey Johnny, nice to see you here :)

You ROCK !!!