Sport Gaining fat

Sport Fitness
Well, I used to do TONS of running, and now I pay for it when I want to gain mass.

I have gained quite a bit of muscle, and am quite happy with my work, and results. I now see a problem: Parts of my body seem out of shape compaired to others. Parts of my body that don't have muscle, or much muscle.

I would like to gain about 10 pounds of fat, since my BF is very low (about 8%).

Please - Don't list something like, eat Mcdonalds each day. That would be awful for my liver, and health!

I understand gaining fat isn't a good thing to do, but since I have so little, I need some.

List some foods I should be eating.

You need to eat more, not eat crap foods. fat is gained by excess calories. 8% isn't that low, but unless you're actively competing, you shouldn't need to go any lower either.

eat more clean foods, and lift more weights. add a little lean mass and a tiny bit of fat and I think you'll find the physique you're after, in a healthy way.
malkore said:
You need to eat more, not eat crap foods. fat is gained by excess calories. 8% isn't that low, but unless you're actively competing, you shouldn't need to go any lower either.

eat more clean foods, and lift more weights. add a little lean mass and a tiny bit of fat and I think you'll find the physique you're after, in a healthy way.

Thanks for the advice. I should point out now, that I have a very fast motabelism. So most calories I eat, are soon digested, and just... turned into waste, not fat.

I'm aware of how healthy my body is, and lately I have been purposely eating unhealthy. Actually... since doing this, I have been gaining a lot of muscle mass, and a little bit of extra fat.

I would like to up my calories, to a maximum, without adding too much greace, or unhealthy fat too my body, that will injure my heart at all.
yeah, that's why I said just eat more clean, healthy foods. More food = more calories.

no need to go on a 3 Big Mac/Whopper a day program.
Suggestion: Add a couple tablespoons of olive oil/peanut butter to a few meals.. fat calories add up quickly.. and perhaps, eat a bunch of complex carbs before bed.