funny threads collection

We should make a sticky where we copy the links for all those stupid and funny questions we get :D

I realize it's mean, but some questions are really funny. Like the guy who was afraid of going down on his woman because all the hormones could screw with his training progress :D:yelrotflmao:
How about this one:

My favorite quote: LOL

Good news for me :D. I would never be able to go 1 week without beating the stick, MAYBE just maybe if i go on vacation or something.
This thread was absolute classic

I'm not sure if any of us knew if Tanizaki was just a kid with nothing else better to do than abuse people on forums or if he really was a lawyer (like he claimed to be)...Whatever the case, getting into an arguement with him is not the best choice as this guy found out. Personally, i found his honest posting entertaining and refreshing...Too bad he crossed the line once too often though.

How about this one- Just in case anyone was thinking about chopping their balls off

And this is the one concerning 'feminine juices' and their affect on men ingesting them

That second one was ridiculous. I really couldn't believe someone would post something like that.