Funny things you and your family do

I’ve got strict rules to live by at my house. Rule number one was made out of necessity. Rule number two was my daughters (6). I’d asked her what rule number one was at one time and she thought real hard, then replied, “No spitting”. I corrected her, but we then promptly added “no spitting” as rule number 2. Rule number 3 was a recent one, made for my son’s (9) bad habit.

1. Paying attention is half the battle (we are looking at changing this to 'All the battle')
2. No spitting
3. No guns at the table

Now my daughter has a song she sings about the rules, explaining how “no spitting” is not rule number one but actually rule number two. It’s hilarious, and her song has to be sung with a British accent. Cute as hell.
british accent eh? i wonder what that is? posh twit? because if you've been to britain (made of many areas, many very different accents) you'll realise we dont speak like hollywood thinks!

a welshman, scotsman, scouser, ****ney, brummie, manc, geordie and westerner will all sound massively different.

but yeah, british accent.