funniest show haha

yeah it was alright. The Australian of the year series was better tho.
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I guess I can add this to the list of Australian things that don't make any damn sense. I think I'll put it next to Vegemite and Patrick White.
Its like a mokumentary, its about real stuff like more skanks at publc schools aha.

this ones so funny haha...
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But no number of funny Aussie sitcoms will ever make up for that sh!t neighbours i would have prefered you`d have sent over Lassa fever;)
Both of those were pretty damn funny. I can't relate too much though since I went to a catholic school in Chicago. I wish someone would make a mockumentary about that :D
Patrick White is to Australia as Timothy Findley is to Canada: Probably the #1 cause of mental illness in high school aged children who pass English.

Vegemite, on the other hand, is in a category of its own. :rofl:

But naw, the shows were alright. I'm just more of a Harold & Kumar / Monty Python / Dylan Moran kind of a dude.

Summer heights High won't be coming back :( because it was a bit controversial.
Such a coincidence that a girl died of ecstacy at a massive popular concert in Sydney and had the same name and everything as in the show. The filmed before but come on televisio afterr
How what's the difference between the heros and the high show? Did one spawn from the other or something?