Weight-Loss fudge brownie cheesecake!



i saw a little one in the supermarket the other day and since it was ONLY $3.99 i just had to buy it! i havent had cheesecake in years. it was really small tho and said it was 4 servings, but those servings were okay size in my opinion! problem was, EACH serving was 420 calories!!! well i couldnt have this thing staring me in the face every time i opened the fridge (plus i had to hide it from family) so i put it in bottom drawer of fridge knowing full well i was going to be having a piece before bed! so on 4 differnt days i scrimped and saved my calories during the day so that i could "afford" to eat this cheesecake and it was delicious! and all MINE!

so the moral of this story is you CAN indulge in your favorite foods ONCE in a while IF you dont go over your allotment (calories planned) for the day. i really dont reccomend getting something that lasts 4 days, but i couldnt eat the whole thing in 1 day!
hehehe... that is sooo funny =) I did the same thing with a pint of ben and jerry's half baked ice cream.... except, unlike my last pint which lasted me for two months... this one lasted only a week... and i didn't save up calories quite right (I ended up eating half the container in one night without realizing it)...

moral of my story - don't eat out of the container - portion out what you are going to have!!! (just like withthe cheesecake cut into pieces)

mmmm..... fudge brownies....
wonderwoman said:
i saw a little one in the supermarket the other day and since it was ONLY $3.99 i just had to buy it! i havent had cheesecake in years. it was really small tho and said it was 4 servings, but those servings were okay size in my opinion! problem was, EACH serving was 420 calories!!! well i couldnt have this thing staring me in the face every time i opened the fridge (plus i had to hide it from family) so i put it in bottom drawer of fridge knowing full well i was going to be having a piece before bed! so on 4 differnt days i scrimped and saved my calories during the day so that i could "afford" to eat this cheesecake and it was delicious! and all MINE!

so the moral of this story is you CAN indulge in your favorite foods ONCE in a while IF you dont go over your allotment (calories planned) for the day. i really dont reccomend getting something that lasts 4 days, but i couldnt eat the whole thing in 1 day!

You had some great will power going for you there...

I probably would have eaten all 4 servings in one sitting. I am not ready for that step yet. It would be too tempting. Have you listened to the audio French women dont get fat? It is based on we can indulge but the French women only need a small amont to get the flavor to be satisfied. Interesting listening .... You dont happen to be french, do you :confused: (lol)
Haha, its just that Americans are so accustomed to gluttony and immediate gratification. Now so many of us grow up with so much more than others have, and needing and wanting. Theres no forced waitingupon anything.. kids are impatient, they want all these new high tech gadgets, for that immediate satisfication. And I think...we all tend to eat that way too. :) Just don't stop to think about the pounds that come with it!
no i'm not french. and if i had such willpower i would not have been fat for 5 yrs! but i did see something about that on oprah one day. she had a french lady on there and the woman said we as americans just dont take the time to savor the flavor of our foods. we need to eat slower and really ENJOY our meals. maybe then if we did that would our brains realize that we are full before we actually put down the fork?
That's true, we always eat on the run, as quickly as possible, so we can get to do all the other stuff we want to do.

I think that foods prepared by manufactures are especially enriched with refined carbs and fats and preservatives to make them taste better and more appealing to the customers, so they end up being richer and sweeter then many European foods. I also noticed that europeans/foreigners use more fat and in US we use more refined sugars and carbs.
Yea, I agree, we are a very fast paced nation. Also, they say it takes 20 min's for our minds to register that we are full, so by slowing down, we can enjoy the flavor more and eat less