Sport Fruits/Banana

Sport Fitness
Banana has many benefits for our overall health. It has many uses and it is delicious you can use it in cooking, baking and others. Banana peels are also useful it can remove warts. I love eating banana and making some banana recipes like pancakes, cupcakes, cake and banana sandwich. It is also best when paired with some chocolates.
I used to eat a lot of them when I was younger, even now I tend to eat them while I see them, I just add more time in between them, but I have yet to try them on anything other than already baked cupcakes or the original fruit.
There are lots of effective benefits of Banana in different types of disease which are following down:
Boost Energy
Constipation and Diarrhea
Intestine Disorder
I really enjoyed reading all the comments .They are really helpful .Banana is easy to digest and helps to maintain the body structure too.
Also for me! banana is best