Basically you want to get your high sugar carbs (fruits and starch) early in the day so that you spend all day burning it up. Fruits are great and good for you, but yeah there is a limit. To maybe help you understand how much try and work it like this...
Pick a % for your goal. My goal is fat loss and toning so i use this formula
40% protein
20% fat
40% carbs
So here is a the other day of me trying to attempt that ratio
meal 1 for Monday, April 03, 2006
1 serving(s)
100 cal
15 pro
3 carbs
4 fat
Peanut butter
1.2 tablespoon(s)
110.4 cal
4.68 pro
9.84 fat
3.84 carbs
Oats, rolled or oatmeal, cooked
1.09 cup(s)
156.96 cal
6.54 pro
2.62 fat
27.61 carbs
Meal Total
367.36 cal
26.22 pro
15.46 fat
35.45 carbs
meal 2 for Monday, April 03, 2006
Chips, light
0.6 ounce(s)
80.1 cal
1.22 fat
3.54 pro
11.38 carbs
7 ounce(s)
192.5 cal
18.38 pro
6.12 fat
20.12 carbs
Meal Total
272.6 cal
19.6 pro
9.66 fat
31.5 carbs
meal 3 for Monday, April 03, 2006
Power Bar 1
1.2 ounce(s)
120 cal
9 pro
3.73 fat
13.4 carb
Orange, navel
1 medium
65 cal
1.44 pro
0.13 fat
15.8 carb
Meal Total
11 pro
3.86 fat
30.68 carb
meal 4 for Monday, April 03, 2006
Peas cooked
0.5 cup(s)
34 -cal
2.6 pro
0.2 fat
5.6 carb
Carrots frozen
0.4 cup(s)
20.8 cal
0.72 pro
0.08 fat
4.8 carb
laura flank steak
5 ounce(s)
175 cal
30 pro
6.25 fat
Meal Total
249.8 cal
33.92 pro
6.53 fat
meal 5 for Monday, April 03, 2006
Mozzarella part skim (Sargento)
0.8 ounce(s)
64 cal
6.4 pro
3.84 fat
0.8 carb
Feta Cheese (Sargento)
0.5 ounce(s)
2 pro
3.05 fat
0.5 carb
Sauce marinara (Prego)
0.2 cup(s)
40 cal
0.4 pro
2 fat
4.4 carbs
Chicken breast
4.7 ounce(s)
172.33 cal
34.47 pro
3.13 fat
6.27 carb
Meal Total
316.33 cal
43.27 pro
12.02 fat
11.97 carb
Report Total
1391.09 cal
132.45 pro
47.53 fat
124.2 carb
Goal Ratio
Now My actual ratio was
36% Protein
29% fat
34% Carb
So not to bad, not my goal but a decent day for sure. So as you can see the beginning of the day is high in carbs then it slowly leads in to higher protein. Now i have a massive addiction to breads and oats so i could use to get a little more fruit in myself. But when i do get my breads or fruits i do it as early as i can. So why not try to work within a ratio for yourself so that you can gage how much you are getting and at what times you get it. Organize your eating habits better, that way you can spend some of that time obessing over food, with obsessing over totals of your food.
Oh and all that is kept track of with my crosstrainer program. I put in what i eat and it spits it all out for me. Fitday has similar info as well.