Weight-Loss Fruit Cup Calorie Question



New member
I've always wondered about the calories on fruit cups.
Does it assume that you're ingesting all of the juice that's in the cup along with the fruit?

I buy these little Del Monte cups, and they'll be like 120-140 calories in the one cup.
But, I literally drain all of the juice out, which leaves you with maybe 15-18 little pieces of fruit.

It seems wrong that a little cup of grapefruit like that can have 140 Calories...
It's probably not juice, it's probably corn syrup, which... is pretty much sugar water.
read the label carefully.
If you look it SAYS "light corn syrup" on the label (small lettering)
note: "light" corn syrup is never really light.
It's just kind of easier if it's packaged I guess.
They were like 10 for $10.

I take them with me and stuff, don't have to drag around a grapefruit and make a mess, etc.
Calorie content is in regards to all the contents in the can, meaning it includes the syrup. You lose a few calories by pouring it out, but most of the sugar etc. from the syrup is actually in the fruit by that time, since the fruit kind of soaks it up.

Go and get fruit in water, or in 'own juices' - it means they don't add any sugar on top of what's already in the fruit.
I've always wondered about the calories on fruit cups.
Does it assume that you're ingesting all of the juice that's in the cup along with the fruit?

I buy these little Del Monte cups, and they'll be like 120-140 calories in the one cup.
But, I literally drain all of the juice out, which leaves you with maybe 15-18 little pieces of fruit.

It seems wrong that a little cup of grapefruit like that can have 140 Calories...

The total calorie content is including the syrup.

No fruit should be able to sit on a shelf for 6 months in a tin can at room temperature and still be eatable. Too much preservatives. There's enough terrible pesticides going on our fruit and veggies last thing we need to devour is a bunch of preservatives with it. Same goes for stuff like Tostitos Salsa... seriously, how do people eat that? Gross. I love fresh salsa but there's no way I would let that glass jar of preservatives get digested in my belly.

I would certainly drop the tins of del monte fruit. Pick up some fresh fruit. It's fresh and there's no added corn syrup.
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