FRS (Sponsored by Lance Armstrong)

Here is the website, so you know what I'm referring to...

My question is, has any of you tried this?
If so, how did it work for you? How were the results?

Jason Salamone
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Most people will tell you it's crap, and if you think about it, how could a crapload of antioxidants really give you much energy? It's probably great for you, but I don't know the science behind why it would work.

That being said, I did try it. And I do think it worked. Compared to other stuff that I have tried (Redline or other Thermogenics), it's nothing major, but I tried it because it wasn't like them - none of the added crap. I think it helped me out in the energy department. Nothing jittery or crazy. Whether that was placebo or not, I can't say. I think probably some of it was, but I think all supplements that work are somewhat due to placebo. I liked it because, again, it didn't have any ridiculous ingredients in it. I tried the low cal one, just to clarify.
Yeah, I bought Redline once thinking it was similar to sugar-free Redbull, which I drink from time-to-time.

I started drinking Red-line with the intention of drinking the whole bottle. Luckily, I stopped after about 5-6 sips and started reading the can.
In so many words, it pretty much says to only drink a little bit of it at a time or else your heart will explode!
Damn that scared the hell out of me! I'm like, "thank GOD I stopped drinking it only after a few sips, and read the bottle info!"

I agree with you about the placebo effect and supplements...
I think most of what people are feeling the benefits from is from whatever caffiene they put in them.

Anyway, I would definitely like to try FRS, but I don't really feel like ordering it online.
I would rather just pick them up at a store locally.

Do they sell it at GNC? What stores usually carry it?

Edit: I just called my local GNC store, and they do have them!

Jason Salamone
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Yeah, but if you go to GNC you'll pay way more and they'll try to sell you other crap. It's cheap if you buy direct from them. That's what I did.

Anyway, damn good thing you didn't drink that whole bottle of Redline. READ THE DIRECTIONS. I've taken a bunch of things in the past, and IMO, nothing compares to that. Doubtful that it's too healthy to be drinking all the time though, ya know.

What type of energy are you looking for exactly? and for what? Ever try just caffeine?
Yeah, but if you go to GNC you'll pay way more and they'll try to sell you other crap. It's cheap if you buy direct from them. That's what I did.

Anyway, damn good thing you didn't drink that whole bottle of Redline. READ THE DIRECTIONS. I've taken a bunch of things in the past, and IMO, nothing compares to that. Doubtful that it's too healthy to be drinking all the time though, ya know.

What type of energy are you looking for exactly? and for what? Ever try just caffeine?

Yeah, I always read directions and ingredients all the time before I consume stuff like that especially.
I remember being very dehydrated at the time, because it was after a long workout where I wasn't taking the time to drink some water.

I try to stay away from caffeine, because it messes with my sleep. I have trouble sleeping to begin with, especially lately. The only time I have caffeine is when I have a headache, or feel a headache coming on. Advils, Tylenols, Aleve, Motrin, etc...all that never works to get rid of my headaches. So I'll usually take an Exedrin Migraine, and drink a sugar-free Redbull...that's the only thing that gets rid of my headaches.

I'm looking for a energy supplement/drink that helps me go that extra mile, so I can find the energy and motivation to do double workouts some days. I can do double workouts, but not without burning myself out quickly. It's interesting that working out is supposed to give a person more energy to do things throughout the day. Well I lost 35 pounds in the past year, and gains some muscle mass, and I still have trouble getting sleep that isn't broken sleep and getting up in the morning.

What happens is I'll feel dead-tired around 10-10:30pm after a long day. You think I'll sleep through the night? No. I wake up a few hours later whether it be 1 or 2am, and it takes me a 2-3 hours after that to fall back asleep. Then I still wake up fairly early like anywhere between 7:30-9AM. Because I don't feel refreshed, I still feel like I need more sleep, so I'll lay there for another hour or so, then fall asleep until late morning/early afternoon. Then at that point I finally feel refreshed enough to go workout and start my day, but unfortunately by that time my day is more than half over. This happens more than it doesn't. Not only that, I'm sure it has a negative effect on the quality of my workouts too.

Jason Salamone
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GNC is the devil

Yeah they want about $40 per case. I don't know how many comes in a case, but I think it's 16-32oz.
Still not cheap though. I was just going to buy a few bottles to start just to try it out.

So the best place to get them by the case when it comes to price is directly from the FRS website?
I don't mind paying a little extra money for convenience, but if it's a considerable savings online, I will order it and wait...

Jason Salamone
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