Weight-Loss Frozen dinners? Good for you?



New member
Well, I've been counting my calories, however, I haven't really been paying attention to much else.

Could eating frozen dinners for 1-2 meals a day really harm me?

I know that the ones I've been eating have been pretty low on calories, however, I'm not sure how they're doing when it comes to everything else.

They've really been helping me out, and I've been losing weight.

I'm just not sure if it's going to be a problem in the future. O:
I find that it's hard to find frozen dinners that are higher in protein and fiber, and lower in sodium. Sodium doesn't bother me, so I don't worry too much about that, but the lack of protein does. The Kashi ones look pretty good, and if I needed frozen meals, that's probably what I'd start with.
I'll be honest. I really like the lean cuisines. They're lower in sodium than a lot of the other brands, they usually don't have trans fat (you have to be careful and read the label though) and a lot of them have a good amount of protein and fibre in them.

When I'm checking the frozen dinners, I usually flip the box over check calories first, trans fat second and sodium third. Those are make or break deals. If all that looks good, I try to find the ones that have the highest protein and fibre.

President's Choice brand from Zehrs/Superstore (only in Canada, sorry) have what they call Blue Menu dinners that are even better nutrition vs calories wise than the Lean Cuisines. The Lean Cuisines claim they use no preservatives, all the vegetables are flash frozen, so I don't know... it's a tossup.
No matter how healthy the frozen dinners may seem, nothing can take the place of or be as healthy as fresh, organic (if possible) wholesome foods.
what else are youeating if you're eating 2 frozen meals a day - sounds like your calories for the day are extremely low... it's n ot the frozen dinners that's making you lose weight... it's the too low calories...

I will never be convinced that frozen meals on a regular basis are a good idea... read the ingredients list - do you know what all those ingredients are? why would you put all that processing into your body?

it's not hard to spend 30 minutes one day a week and prepare your own frozen dinners out of real food-...