From thin to thick!

Hello everyone!
I have been clean bulking for a while now and I thought it would be great to join this forum and share with everyone.

Im an ectomorph (read skinny guy with fast metabolism). In just under 5 months I was able to gain 21 lbs of lean body mass and lower my bodyfat levels from 12.5% down to 9.5%.. I am extremely happy with my progress and I hope I can help some other people get the same type of results as well.

I was able to make these gains by eating a precise diet with proper ratios of protein/carbs/fat and high frequency eating. As I gained more weight I had to increase my calorie intake, but of course thats the way it goes.

I love fitness and I love talking about it. I hope to get to know a lot of you guys'n'gals here.

Take care all! :D
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Wow very nice gains, and welcome to!
Thanks guys :)

I recently messed up a disc at work which totally messed up my good run, but I managed to maintain all lbm while only gaining a small amount of fat due to inactivity i believe.
Anyhow, I plan on starting a journal keeping track of everything.
See you all on the boards!
Welcome aboard.
